A couple of posts ago I alluded to the bad week Warren had when he went and stayed with his Mom...He had a week off between his classes (he passed the one he just finished too! nice job babe!) and went up to spend a nice relaxing week with his mom and to help her do a few things around the house.
Little did he know...
On his arrival Sunday, he and his sister hear water running in the kitchen area, when no water is turned on. So they sort of check around...take a look at the water meter, thinking maybe there's a leak, leave for a few hours, and check the meter again when they get back to see and OMG 30 Gallons!! had passed in that time frame. Yep, there's a leak alright!
Had the plumber in on Monday and found two leaks under the kitchen, one a water pipe and one sewer (I think) anyway, it was so wet he couldn't get under there to fix it at the time (he returns Friday). He also found leakage under the bathrooms, that had gone on long enough to rot out the floors! It's a miracle that they hadn't fallen thru yet!
Call goes in to State Farm, b/c she has homeowners insurance, they put them up in a hotel for the time being and they come out on Tuesday to assess the damage and give an estimate.
Meanwhile, Wanda wanted Warren to help her get a new car (total reason for the trip) so they look around, find a good deal on an new Jeep Liberty. Head to the dealership...her car dies on the way!!! They had to get it towed to the dealership and had the dealer man come pick them up! (They weren't that far, a few blocks).
Side note during this same week: his sister and her husband installed new hardwood floors in their house in August...left the dog at home in the bedroom to keep him off the floors...he chews a hole in a pipe flooding the ENTIRE house!!
Thursday, Warren takes his car in to get the brakes checked...kinda routine, well they call him back not too long after he leaves...and his radiator blew a hose! Replaced brakes, rotors, A/C hoses, and battery. Grand Total: $600 (Some of this stuff had been needing to be done...he's not so good at the car maintaince area). Also State Farm gives an estimate and so they begin to get in some contractors to redo the bathrooms.
Friday, plumber comes and fixes kitchen pipes.
Saturday he comes home. I tell him to leave the bad mojo in Dallas!!
So far nothing catastrophic...other than an a Tropical Storm! ha