Sunday, September 30, 2007

Halloween Goodness...

I have started a new Altered Book for Mom and I...we're going to mail it back and forth for each other to work on it some. I've been accumulating vintage Halloween stuff for about the past year and finally got started on it this fall. I did a two page spread in it this weekend and this is what I accomplished:
HAPPY OCTOBER! (only wish it wasn't 80-freakin-degrees!)

Multi-task Knitting!

One of my WIPs (works in progress) are some Christmas gifts for a couple of favorite relatves (la la la pretend you don't see them if you read my blog!). I began one scarf and then decided that it was a waste of needle space to not go ahead and work them both at the same time! So I slid the green one off onto a stitch holder and worked the pink one until they were about the same size and then slid the green one back on. Now I'm knitting two scarves at once! Magic! Multi-task Knitting!

I like to call them hole-y scarves, but the actual name of the stitch I'm using is called the Faggot Stitch (which is apparently an old traditional lace stitch) and I found the pattern here:

My Hole-y Scarf Recipe
One Skein of Yarn Bee Icelandic Jewels in Peridot and
One Skein of Yarn Bee Icelandic Jewels in Garnet (one skein per scarf)
(each skein is 129 yards and 3.5 oz. if that helps in finding similar yarnage)
(79% acrylic 16% nylon 5% polyester)
One pair of size 11 needles (mmm, I love my Takumi bamboo ones I'm using, from Clover)

Gauge: I'm still not very good at counting it but I think I'm getting about 2.5 per inch probably because I'm using size 11s instead of 10.5s. I knit really tightly so I wanted to go up a little to make the stiches a little larger.

Cast on 18 stitches.
Row 1: knit 1, yarn over, knit two together, repeat.
Repeat row 1 until almost out of yarn.
I think I might save enough to put some super big pom-pom's on the end!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Some Scarf-age...

So, finally some pic's of my first ever completed scarf (done with some random yarn I had laying around the house...I think just Lion Brand something from Wal-mart -- in garter or knit stitch).

An up-close-and-personal view of the yarn-age.

And me modeling...notice my mad photography skills by taking a photo of myself via the mirror! lol

More's a lazy rainy Saturday.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Library latest...

I had a student (1st grader, I think) who sneezed the other day and blessed himself! ha!

It went something like this...

We had relocated to the table area (I have 7 student tables that seat 4 per table) and I was passing out their coloring sheet, I walked by and he sneezed, and before I could even respond he said, "Bless Me." !! lol

It was comical because he was so serious and just went right on about his work just like he blesses himself all the time!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Bad Mojo!

A couple of posts ago I alluded to the bad week Warren had when he went and stayed with his Mom...He had a week off between his classes (he passed the one he just finished too! nice job babe!) and went up to spend a nice relaxing week with his mom and to help her do a few things around the house.

Little did he know...

On his arrival Sunday, he and his sister hear water running in the kitchen area, when no water is turned on. So they sort of check around...take a look at the water meter, thinking maybe there's a leak, leave for a few hours, and check the meter again when they get back to see and OMG 30 Gallons!! had passed in that time frame. Yep, there's a leak alright!

Had the plumber in on Monday and found two leaks under the kitchen, one a water pipe and one sewer (I think) anyway, it was so wet he couldn't get under there to fix it at the time (he returns Friday). He also found leakage under the bathrooms, that had gone on long enough to rot out the floors! It's a miracle that they hadn't fallen thru yet!

Call goes in to State Farm, b/c she has homeowners insurance, they put them up in a hotel for the time being and they come out on Tuesday to assess the damage and give an estimate.

Meanwhile, Wanda wanted Warren to help her get a new car (total reason for the trip) so they look around, find a good deal on an new Jeep Liberty. Head to the dealership...her car dies on the way!!! They had to get it towed to the dealership and had the dealer man come pick them up! (They weren't that far, a few blocks).

Side note during this same week: his sister and her husband installed new hardwood floors in their house in August...left the dog at home in the bedroom to keep him off the floors...he chews a hole in a pipe flooding the ENTIRE house!!

Thursday, Warren takes his car in to get the brakes checked...kinda routine, well they call him back not too long after he leaves...and his radiator blew a hose! Replaced brakes, rotors, A/C hoses, and battery. Grand Total: $600 (Some of this stuff had been needing to be done...he's not so good at the car maintaince area). Also State Farm gives an estimate and so they begin to get in some contractors to redo the bathrooms.

Friday, plumber comes and fixes kitchen pipes.

Saturday he comes home. I tell him to leave the bad mojo in Dallas!!

So far nothing catastrophic...other than an a Tropical Storm! ha

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Me: the newer more improved blond version

Ok, so right before school started, I made a hair appt. at a new place (the stitch n' bitch gals recommend a couple of places to try, oh yes, I stitch n' bitch, Monday nights at Mod Cafe). The place is called LuLu's. Rather swanky, and I was told THE place on the island to go if you want to impress others with your choice of where you go.

Anyways, Tony was very nice, only a few $$ more than what I pay Gwen (will be SO glad when we move back!!) with MUCH better results than the cheap-o place I went to previously.

It's not a pretty picture, so don't judge. It's Sunday, I've washed both the cars and taken a nap...but you can see the pretty blond color! :)

Some Pic's of Humberto :)

Yay, I found an alternative means at Fry's for pulling the pic's off my xD card. Woohoo! It's a thumb drive for your xD card, so smart.

So, without further ado, pictures of Humberto:

This is out our front door and does not do justice to the amount of rain that is whipping by.

I zoomed in so you can see the water level on the neighbor's tires. It is almost up to the hubcap!! and the street was pretty much a stream.

This next photo gives you a better idea of how the rain was whipping...taken off the front porch to the side, looking west. And to the right is some rainwater drippage off the corner of the house! No downspout!

And now some backyard action! Don't worry, that's not a UFO or a random light hanging from the trees, I guess my camera picked up the glare of the kitchen light in the glass of the backdoor. So weird looking! ha
Anyway, super windy, but this was a little before the heavier rain started.
And finally, Warren on the phone during the storm. We both talked to our Mom's at some point! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Video of Humberto...

Here is video coverage of Humberto courtesy of the local news...

Tropical Storm Humberto!!!

OOO! Our first tropical storm is scheduled to hit at any momento!! Humberto! At 4 PM it was tracking 50 miles off the coast of Galveston and headed directly to us. Winds will be around 50+ MPH and it's moving about 5-7 MPH.

It has been raining since sometime last night and has continued throughout the day...

We even have a possibility of a School Closure!! Because of Rain! ha...actually because it would create some flooding, we're only 10 feet above sea level here folks...and as I found out when I got home it is a tropical storm...kinda exciting. The Oklahoma equivalent of a tornado. :) Maybe I should go out on the porch and watch....

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Monkey toes...

Pete's new nickname is 'Monkey toes.' He has NOT liked Warren being gone this past week (which I will have to tell you in another post all that he dealt with, it was a soap operatic week).

He woke me one morning at 5 AM!!! 5 AM?!?!?!? (My alarm does not go off until six. You would think that after 2 weeks of this that he'd catch on.)

Anyway, he was climbing, yes folks-climbing, the door.

"How's that?," you ask.

Well, in our bedroom, there is a door that goes out onto the back porch/deck area. It is a door with lots of little window panes in it. Four vertically and three that the middle of the door is windows.

That's right, he climbs the window panes...

Monkey toes...

I promptly kicked him out and shut him in the other bedroom and slept for another hour.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

eBay has all the answers...

In answer to my mom's comment on the previous post...yes, you really can give eBay gift cards.

Go here:

Hola mis amigos :)

Ok, so I'm going to be completely help with the randomness I will put it into a list. Maybe the organizationalish structure of a list will help the random musings... :)

1. I will probably be somewhat proficient in Spanish by the end of the school year. Mucho espaniol estudiantes! So far tho they are some of my best classes, could it be something is being lost in translation? :) Not with the older ones much, mostly by then they comprende and can translate for classmates that need it.

2. We live in a freaking rain forest. I know that there is typically dew in the mornings, but everything is DRIPPing in the morning...almost like it's rained. I can't park to close to the shrubbery or I will get drenched just walking by and brushing up against it. Crazy humidity.

3. I must make more time for art projects.

4. Knitting is wonderful.

5. Buy me eBay giftcards for x-mas. I spend way to much $$ on there! (It's so much fun tho! It's like a garage sale on your computer! OMG!).

6. I don't much like still holds bad memories.

7. I am extremely put out that now my other camera cord is mis-placed. I'm sure that I've put it somewhere thinking that was a good spot for it. Problem is that it must not have been very logical since now I can't find it! Grrr.

8. Labor day weekend was quiet. It rained most of the weekend here so I just watched movies and relaxed w/ the pets. Warren has this week off between classes and has gone up to his mom's. So all is pretty quiet down here...just me and the animals. Good thing he went up tho b/c her bathroom floor is rotted and needs to be replaced! They figured that out b/c there is two leaks under her kitchen sink! Serious plumber stuff going on up there this week...he's so good with helping her. (She's lived in the house she's in for quite a while like almost 30 years I think...for someone as transient as I am that seems like FORever!)

9. My cat climbs chairs. No I type his hiney is hanging off the back of one of the kitchen chairs w/ his toes curled around the top of it and his front feet are perched on the middle bar that goes thru the back of the chair. Weird cat. Monkey toes.

10. New travel website to check out...similar to expedia or travelocity: . (Thanks Nat!) I'm always interested in who runs the best's nice to another possibility to the list. Plus I kinda like kayaks...

11. I love shoes.

12. And I guess I'll stop here b/c not much else is coming to my brain. I'm drained at the end of the days and my feet hurt (not that heels help...but they're so pretty :) So I'll end on that one, Beauty is Painful. ha

night ya'll! ~ klw