Woohoo! Off to AASL tomorrow! Yay! I'm so excited!! Mom and I get there tomorrow night and then we're going go get registered Thurs. and prowl around the yarn and scrapbook stores...then Friday Esther and Warren come in (Esther for the conference and Warren just to relax...poor med student...3 tests this week!!!!). I think Esther gets there a few hours before he does.
Got to go finish packing~night
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Snakes in the Library!
And now let me set the scene with some pictures of the Library...so you can see where I work and where I was sitting in relation to the Snake in the Library...
The first picture is the reading area, I sit in the rocker and read stories to the children who sit on the large carpet. Next, are my 'work' tables...if we do activities and things...finally is the circulation desk where the students check out their books.
Well, this morning Kindergarten and I are sitting at the carpet and are reading our story when a student says, "Mrs. Worsham, look a snake!" Sure enough, I glance over...and there it is! Just slitherin' along on the floor...headed straight for me! Luckily, I've had lots of school and could tell what kind it was right away (a Rough Earth Snake) so I just went over and picked him up and went in my office for a container. Then I thought..hmmm...probably not a good idea for a 5 year-old to think that they can just go pick up a snake if they see one. So, we had a teachable moment...in which I explained that I've seen these kind of snakes before and could identify it. I also explained that I knew it wasn't dangerous because of the size of it's head...so I explained how poisonous snakes have really large triangular heads and this one doesn't (of course we had to kind of pass him around and look at him a little bit closer then). So that was the day's excitement! Here he is our new Library Snake:
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Reno, TSA, & Carrots...
1. I like making lists, because then it doesn't seem like I'm being so random in my thoughts.
2. I successfully made carrots like Donnas tonight! yay! Without having a clue how she does it...I just know a little milk, water, pat of butter, & sugar?, is involved...or if not then they at least turned out tasting really similar. :-)
3. I have been madly doing laundry and cleaning house in anticipation of leaving for Reno, NV on Wed. and Warren to follow on Fri. Aunt L & L are coming down to dog & cat-sit. Grace is most excited! I will leave DIRECTLY after school (3:15 if I can do it) to make my 6:45 flight out of Bush.
4. Which means that I probably won't go to stitch n' b*tch tomorrow (I'll tell you why I *ed on the next number) because I'll be at school late making sure lesson plans and copies are ready for the end of the week. I think I have them all ready, but I need to feel organized about it & I'm not quite there yet.
5. Jake called me out of the blue on Saturday morning (8:15!!!!!!!!!) to tell me he read my blog (hence the *) and that he doesn't think broccoli should be a super-food. ha!
6. The weekends are so not long enough...I barely feel like I've gotten to relax by the time Monday rolls back around.
7. I'm looking forward to the trip tho -- It will be the first time I've gotten to see Mom since her surgery. Yay!
8. If you travel, here is the current guidelines for traveling with knitting needles from TSA:
http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/assistant/editorial_1252.shtm . I printed these to bring with me just in case.
2. I successfully made carrots like Donnas tonight! yay! Without having a clue how she does it...I just know a little milk, water, pat of butter, & sugar?, is involved...or if not then they at least turned out tasting really similar. :-)
3. I have been madly doing laundry and cleaning house in anticipation of leaving for Reno, NV on Wed. and Warren to follow on Fri. Aunt L & L are coming down to dog & cat-sit. Grace is most excited! I will leave DIRECTLY after school (3:15 if I can do it) to make my 6:45 flight out of Bush.
4. Which means that I probably won't go to stitch n' b*tch tomorrow (I'll tell you why I *ed on the next number) because I'll be at school late making sure lesson plans and copies are ready for the end of the week. I think I have them all ready, but I need to feel organized about it & I'm not quite there yet.
5. Jake called me out of the blue on Saturday morning (8:15!!!!!!!!!) to tell me he read my blog (hence the *) and that he doesn't think broccoli should be a super-food. ha!
6. The weekends are so not long enough...I barely feel like I've gotten to relax by the time Monday rolls back around.
7. I'm looking forward to the trip tho -- It will be the first time I've gotten to see Mom since her surgery. Yay!
8. If you travel, here is the current guidelines for traveling with knitting needles from TSA:
http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/assistant/editorial_1252.shtm . I printed these to bring with me just in case.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Top 14 “Super Foods” …straight from the med student’s homework:
1. Wild Salmon -lowers heart disease, blood pressure, and cancer incidence (in one study by over 60%). Studies also suggest that fish consumption is associated with a lower risk for depression, violent behavior, Alzheimer’s, ADD, and A-fib (Atrial fibrillation).
Salmon Sidekicks: Alaskan Halibut, Canned Albacore Tuna, Sardines, Herring, Trout, Sea Bass, Oysters, and Clams
*Eat fish twice per week, unless pregnant or very young children – then just once per week.
2. Legumes – beans: lowers risk of heart disease by 20%, lowers cholesterol, reduces obesity, & relieves hypertension (high blood pressure). For diabetics, beans help control blood suger. Beans also protect against skin cancer!
*Eat 4 half cup servings per week.
3. Blueberries – a.k.a. “brainberries”! There have been some recent animal studies that have showed actual reversal of brain deterioration; they also lower heart disease, protect your eyes, and have SPF nutrients. Says, “the best chance to move & think like a kid as you mature.”
Blueberry Sidekicks: purple grapes, cranberries, boysenberries, raspberries, strawberries, currents, blackberries, cherries, and pomegranates.
*Eat 1 to 2 c. per day (fruit smoothies anyone?)!
4. Broccoli – best cancer fighter you can eat; 2 servings per day can result in a 50% reduction in risk. Is most powerful and easier to eat as sprouts (10 to 100x power of regular broccoli). Also boosts immune system, decreases colon cancer risk, incidence of cateracts, supports heart health, builds bones, has SPF nutrients & fights birth defects.
Broccoli Sidekicks: Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, turnips, cauliflower, collards, Bok Choy, mustard greens, Swiss Chard.
*Eat half to 1 c. per day.
5. Oats – the super breakfast! Keeps you full; low in calories. Reduced risk for diabetes, lowers cholesterol, coronary heart disease, has high fiber, protein, and SPF nutrients.
Oats Super Sidekicks: wheat germ & ground flaxseed
Oats Sidekicks: brown rice, barley, wheat, buckwheat, rye, millet, bulgar wheat, amaranth, & quinoa
Random tidbit: al dente pasta is better for you…it doesn’t break the carbs down into sugar.
*Eat 5 to 7 servings a day of whole grains (ex. Whole wheat bread! Or 10-21 grams of whole grain fiber.)
6. Oranges – Vitamin C!! Supports heart health, prevents cancer, stroke, diabetes, & chronic ailments. Helps modulate immune system and has anti-infective effects.
Orange Sidekicks: lemons, white & pink grapefruit, kumquats, tangerines, and limes.
*Eat 1 serving daily (try a glass of high pulp OJ) yuk! I like low to none!
7. Pumpkin -- !!! Rich in alpha and beta carotene – “longevity nutrients”. Lowers various cancer risks and supplies nutrients necessary for healthy, youthful skin and eyes. An SPF powerhouse!
Pumpkin Sidekicks: carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and orange bell peppers.
*Eat ½ c. most days.
8. Soy – prevents heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, & relieves menopausal and menstrual symptoms. Also an SPF powerhouse!
Soy Sidekicks: tofu, soymilk, soy nuts, edamame (yummie!), tempeh, and miso.
*Eat 10-15 grams per day.
9. Spinach – the more you eat the more you lower your risk for cancer; also decreases risk of heart disease, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. One of the healthiest foods you can eat…the darker the greens the more phytonutrients (so the better for you!).
Spinach Sidekicks: Kale, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, turnip greens, Bok Choy, romaine lettuce, and orange bell peppers.
*Eat 1 c. steamed or 2 c. raw of dark, leafy greens most days.
10. Tea – boosts immune system, prevents cancer & osteoporosis, lowers stroke, cataract, & hypertension risk. Is the cheapest, easiest, no-calorie way to improve your diet and live longer. Random Tidbit: Men who drink one cup of tea daily may reduce their risk of heart attack by 44%.
*Try to drink 1+ c. per day of green or black tea.
11. Tomato – the lycopene in tomatoes actually acts like an internal sunblock. Lowers the likelihood of cancer, plays a role in preventing heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and macular-degeneration.
Tomato Sidekicks: red watermelon, pink grapefruit, Japanese persimmons, red-fleshed papaya, strawberry guava.
*Try to eat 1 serving of canned tomatoes per day and multiple servings of fresh tomatoes per week. Pizza can be a health food if you add more sauce, less cheese, and use a whole grain crust. (sounds kinda yucky)
12. Turkey – extremely low in fat & provides multiple nutrients to build a strong immune system – lower in fat and calories than chicken!
Turkey Sidekick: skinless chicken
*Try to eat 3 to 4 servings (3-4 oz.) per week, consider using instead of ground beef. (tastes very similar and is better for you! I’ve used in chili and as a burger!)
13. Walnuts – along with tea the easiest way to improve your health! A handful a day can cut your risk of cardiovascular event by as much as 51%! Lowers risk/progression of AMD, contains SPF nutrients.
Walnut Sidekicks: almonds, pistachios, sesame seeds, peanuts, pecans, macadamia, hazelnuts, cashews, pumpkin & sunflower seeds
*Eat a handful of nuts 5x per week – be sure to skip the salt and added oils!
Random Tidbits – 2 T. of peanut butter 5x per week cuts risk of type II diabetes by 20%
A small dose of nuts with dark chocolate (65% or more cocoa) is a good antioxidant
14. Yogurt – a great source of digestible protein, double the protein of milk. Promotes strong bones, healthy heart, immune system booster. Get active cultures!
Yogurt Sidekicks: kefir (like a drinkable yogurt), Stoneyfield yogurt/fruit smoothie
*Try to eat 2 c. daily.
Fact conclusions:
DO NOT supersize me! One supersized McFries has 600 calories!
Since 1980, the number of overweight Americans has doubled.
More than 400,000 deaths per year are associated with obesity.
Every day, 1 in 4 Americans visit a fast food restaurant.
Try to:
Add one Superfood a week to your shopping cart.
Enjoy eating well…and get daily exercise!
Salmon Sidekicks: Alaskan Halibut, Canned Albacore Tuna, Sardines, Herring, Trout, Sea Bass, Oysters, and Clams
*Eat fish twice per week, unless pregnant or very young children – then just once per week.
2. Legumes – beans: lowers risk of heart disease by 20%, lowers cholesterol, reduces obesity, & relieves hypertension (high blood pressure). For diabetics, beans help control blood suger. Beans also protect against skin cancer!
*Eat 4 half cup servings per week.
3. Blueberries – a.k.a. “brainberries”! There have been some recent animal studies that have showed actual reversal of brain deterioration; they also lower heart disease, protect your eyes, and have SPF nutrients. Says, “the best chance to move & think like a kid as you mature.”
Blueberry Sidekicks: purple grapes, cranberries, boysenberries, raspberries, strawberries, currents, blackberries, cherries, and pomegranates.
*Eat 1 to 2 c. per day (fruit smoothies anyone?)!
4. Broccoli – best cancer fighter you can eat; 2 servings per day can result in a 50% reduction in risk. Is most powerful and easier to eat as sprouts (10 to 100x power of regular broccoli). Also boosts immune system, decreases colon cancer risk, incidence of cateracts, supports heart health, builds bones, has SPF nutrients & fights birth defects.
Broccoli Sidekicks: Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, turnips, cauliflower, collards, Bok Choy, mustard greens, Swiss Chard.
*Eat half to 1 c. per day.
5. Oats – the super breakfast! Keeps you full; low in calories. Reduced risk for diabetes, lowers cholesterol, coronary heart disease, has high fiber, protein, and SPF nutrients.
Oats Super Sidekicks: wheat germ & ground flaxseed
Oats Sidekicks: brown rice, barley, wheat, buckwheat, rye, millet, bulgar wheat, amaranth, & quinoa
Random tidbit: al dente pasta is better for you…it doesn’t break the carbs down into sugar.
*Eat 5 to 7 servings a day of whole grains (ex. Whole wheat bread! Or 10-21 grams of whole grain fiber.)
6. Oranges – Vitamin C!! Supports heart health, prevents cancer, stroke, diabetes, & chronic ailments. Helps modulate immune system and has anti-infective effects.
Orange Sidekicks: lemons, white & pink grapefruit, kumquats, tangerines, and limes.
*Eat 1 serving daily (try a glass of high pulp OJ) yuk! I like low to none!
7. Pumpkin -- !!! Rich in alpha and beta carotene – “longevity nutrients”. Lowers various cancer risks and supplies nutrients necessary for healthy, youthful skin and eyes. An SPF powerhouse!
Pumpkin Sidekicks: carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and orange bell peppers.
*Eat ½ c. most days.
8. Soy – prevents heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, & relieves menopausal and menstrual symptoms. Also an SPF powerhouse!
Soy Sidekicks: tofu, soymilk, soy nuts, edamame (yummie!), tempeh, and miso.
*Eat 10-15 grams per day.
9. Spinach – the more you eat the more you lower your risk for cancer; also decreases risk of heart disease, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. One of the healthiest foods you can eat…the darker the greens the more phytonutrients (so the better for you!).
Spinach Sidekicks: Kale, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, turnip greens, Bok Choy, romaine lettuce, and orange bell peppers.
*Eat 1 c. steamed or 2 c. raw of dark, leafy greens most days.
10. Tea – boosts immune system, prevents cancer & osteoporosis, lowers stroke, cataract, & hypertension risk. Is the cheapest, easiest, no-calorie way to improve your diet and live longer. Random Tidbit: Men who drink one cup of tea daily may reduce their risk of heart attack by 44%.
*Try to drink 1+ c. per day of green or black tea.
11. Tomato – the lycopene in tomatoes actually acts like an internal sunblock. Lowers the likelihood of cancer, plays a role in preventing heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and macular-degeneration.
Tomato Sidekicks: red watermelon, pink grapefruit, Japanese persimmons, red-fleshed papaya, strawberry guava.
*Try to eat 1 serving of canned tomatoes per day and multiple servings of fresh tomatoes per week. Pizza can be a health food if you add more sauce, less cheese, and use a whole grain crust. (sounds kinda yucky)
12. Turkey – extremely low in fat & provides multiple nutrients to build a strong immune system – lower in fat and calories than chicken!
Turkey Sidekick: skinless chicken
*Try to eat 3 to 4 servings (3-4 oz.) per week, consider using instead of ground beef. (tastes very similar and is better for you! I’ve used in chili and as a burger!)
13. Walnuts – along with tea the easiest way to improve your health! A handful a day can cut your risk of cardiovascular event by as much as 51%! Lowers risk/progression of AMD, contains SPF nutrients.
Walnut Sidekicks: almonds, pistachios, sesame seeds, peanuts, pecans, macadamia, hazelnuts, cashews, pumpkin & sunflower seeds
*Eat a handful of nuts 5x per week – be sure to skip the salt and added oils!
Random Tidbits – 2 T. of peanut butter 5x per week cuts risk of type II diabetes by 20%
A small dose of nuts with dark chocolate (65% or more cocoa) is a good antioxidant
14. Yogurt – a great source of digestible protein, double the protein of milk. Promotes strong bones, healthy heart, immune system booster. Get active cultures!
Yogurt Sidekicks: kefir (like a drinkable yogurt), Stoneyfield yogurt/fruit smoothie
*Try to eat 2 c. daily.
Fact conclusions:
DO NOT supersize me! One supersized McFries has 600 calories!
Since 1980, the number of overweight Americans has doubled.
More than 400,000 deaths per year are associated with obesity.
Every day, 1 in 4 Americans visit a fast food restaurant.
Try to:
Add one Superfood a week to your shopping cart.
Enjoy eating well…and get daily exercise!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Don't drop the coffee...
The laws of gravity robbed me of the Starbuck's this morning....grrr....in my driveway. So close! I sent Warren to replenish it b/c I didn't want to go back in and do the same order again!
David (Warren's study buddy and classmate...they used to work together in Dallas too) was stranded last night. He left his car keys at a guy's house and then the guy wasn't home, so he joined us for dinner last night. We tried out the Wild Wing Cafe downtown. Very good if you need that fried food craving filled. Mmm...mushrooms.
Otherwise it's a quite morning...it's finally getting down to about 70ish at night which feels so much cooler. Course our humidity is down some too so it's nice that it is starting to feel a tiny bit like fall. Maybe I'll be able to actually use my knitted stuff!
David (Warren's study buddy and classmate...they used to work together in Dallas too) was stranded last night. He left his car keys at a guy's house and then the guy wasn't home, so he joined us for dinner last night. We tried out the Wild Wing Cafe downtown. Very good if you need that fried food craving filled. Mmm...mushrooms.
Otherwise it's a quite morning...it's finally getting down to about 70ish at night which feels so much cooler. Course our humidity is down some too so it's nice that it is starting to feel a tiny bit like fall. Maybe I'll be able to actually use my knitted stuff!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
It's all about the Baklava...
What a long week and it's only Tuesday! Last night we had open house at school so it made for a really long Monday. Was there until 7:30! But it's always nice to see some of the parents...of course I've noticed that being in a special area (the library...because I rotate...hence I'm "special") I tend to only see the parents of the 'good children' and the ones who are 'the readers.' Oh well, I had at least a dozen sign in on the sheet and I wasn't making people sign in so I think that's pretty good. And then today was a faculty meeting, which I hope and pray will get shorter because meeting until 5 o'clock is crazy!! We start at 3:45! Too freakin' long! Esp. after being there so late the night before...grrr.
I'm feeling rather frustrated with the job because since the classes come to me in rotation I have like zero time to do any library administrative work, like order supplies, order books, delete old books from the system, process 'new' books that came from schools that closed, etc. Basically, I teach. All my time is spent lesson planning and teaching. I am not a librarian, I am a library teacher. Big difference.
Hubby has been nice tho and fixed dinner the past two nights! Yay! Thanks Warren! *hug* So, I guess tomorrow and Thursday will be my turn. :) And then we've decided that we've designated Friday evenings as 'date night' and we go out to eat somewhere on the island. That has been really nice and gives me something to look forward to during the week. I passed a restaurant today on my way home that I think we may have to try out Friday...last week we had Greek. Yummie...I miss my Greek restaurant in Denton, it's nice to find a good place here. It's all about the baklava. Gotta have me some dessert!
We had refrigerator problems last week! We have one that sort of came with the house and the top part of it stopped cooling! (it's one of those with the freezer in the bottom). So we let the landlords know because it's not our fridge and she sent over a guy to look at it. Although we all agreed that if it was too much to repair then we'd just move it out and move mine in. He said he'd have to check on a part and the price but when he looked at it he said that it had just frozen up...the blower from the freezer wasn't sending the cooler air up to the top..something was frozen somewhere. So, geniuses that we are, we decided to just unplug it and see if that fixed it (we moved our food to the garage fridge tho) and of course it did. So now we are still waiting for a price quote on a fridge that was easily fixed! Duh! No part needed!
I'm feeling rather frustrated with the job because since the classes come to me in rotation I have like zero time to do any library administrative work, like order supplies, order books, delete old books from the system, process 'new' books that came from schools that closed, etc. Basically, I teach. All my time is spent lesson planning and teaching. I am not a librarian, I am a library teacher. Big difference.
Hubby has been nice tho and fixed dinner the past two nights! Yay! Thanks Warren! *hug* So, I guess tomorrow and Thursday will be my turn. :) And then we've decided that we've designated Friday evenings as 'date night' and we go out to eat somewhere on the island. That has been really nice and gives me something to look forward to during the week. I passed a restaurant today on my way home that I think we may have to try out Friday...last week we had Greek. Yummie...I miss my Greek restaurant in Denton, it's nice to find a good place here. It's all about the baklava. Gotta have me some dessert!
We had refrigerator problems last week! We have one that sort of came with the house and the top part of it stopped cooling! (it's one of those with the freezer in the bottom). So we let the landlords know because it's not our fridge and she sent over a guy to look at it. Although we all agreed that if it was too much to repair then we'd just move it out and move mine in. He said he'd have to check on a part and the price but when he looked at it he said that it had just frozen up...the blower from the freezer wasn't sending the cooler air up to the top..something was frozen somewhere. So, geniuses that we are, we decided to just unplug it and see if that fixed it (we moved our food to the garage fridge tho) and of course it did. So now we are still waiting for a price quote on a fridge that was easily fixed! Duh! No part needed!
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