Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Today show comes to Galveston!

Yay, just heard via @help4galveston on Twitter that The Today Show will be broadcasting Live from Galveston next week!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Big Grant winnings!!!

Woohoo! We won the huge Improving Literacy through School Libraries Grant/Program!! It's exciting because my name is attached to facilitate the grant! So...possibly this will be my job next year...will have to begin negotiations for salary and extra $$ for being in charge of it all...eek!

Friday, June 12, 2009

OMG, I haven't posted anything since April?!?! Gad. Always time for a list of updates then:

1. Warren started OB/GYN in May. So far he's delivered or assisted on 14 births! yay! All successful and everyone healthy. The first one he delivered was a boy. The midwife was there with him but she let him do the whole delivery. He said when the baby came out it (and him) were all slippery and he was afraid of dropping it! So he flopped the baby up on the Mom's tummy! ha! So far he doesn't care for c-sections, he says you lose too much blood, but he's doing okay with regular deliveries.

2. He is also starting to look into/for residency programs. He's having a really hard time deciding between Family Med. (which he likes) and Psych (which he excelled at in class/rotation). I think in the long run he'll go with Family, but we'll see. I told him if he was so undecided to just apply for both! He has a meeting this afternoon at 3pm with the head of Family Med to talk about career choices and options. So keep him in your's hard to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. Both choices pretty much deal with getting to know patients for the long run and establishing a history with them, so he's in a predicament to decide. With family he'll have a wider age range to work with, Psych will be more of a set group of people. Either way he goes he'll be great.

3. Summer is upon us and I have taken to the pool for summer exercise! I love swimming and now that they have FINally opened the pool for summer I can every day!! Warren on the other hand like does NOT SWIM. Hello! the water is only 5 ft. deep...grr. I'm nice though b/c I know he had a scary water experience, but it gets frustrating at times to try to get him in the water.

4. Also this summer, I'll be making extra pocket change $$ working at our school libraries doing general clean-up, weeding, donations, ordering with our grant monies, etc. It's a really nice summer job making a cool $25 an hour!! Yay! I'll pretty much be working for sure Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday's...Thursday's occasionally and never on Friday's! I love setting my own schedule.