Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oh, the weather outside is frightful..

...because it's 78 freakin' degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a supposedly a cold front coming. Maybe it will drop down to the 50's. hahaha ...The past two days have set record highs.

Last week was my first bookfair at school! I sold an unbelievable amount...I was expecting to make around 2 grand b/c that's what the last two bookfairs have averaged at the school. Well, I doubled it!!! Over $4,000!!! Of which I made 30% profit, so we got about $1,250ish. Can you believe it? I am astounded!

It's Warren's last week of school and he and David are hard at studying. He has a test Friday and took one on Monday...he made a 92 on his Monday test!!! Yay! Good Job Honey!
In other good news, Brent & Brianna are expecting!! Yay! I'm so happy for you guys! How exciting!! She's due right around Brent's birthday, on July 24th (his b-day is the 22nd). Congrats!
Night ya'll~

Monday, December 3, 2007

Pete "Houdini" Worsham

So, sneaky Petey decided today that he was tired of Grace getting to run in and out of the house (hello! she's a dog! she has to go potty!) that it was totally unfair for his cat-ness to have to stay inside...he snuck out.

He OPENED the DOOR!! (Guess we didn't have the deadbolt shot) and lolly-gagged around outside. Warren was beside himself trying to herd the cat back inside. It worked once. He got in severe trouble *spank spank*

But of course that doesn't faze a cat!! He shot out the door when Warren opened it to go out and get the laundry (yes, our W/D is ghetto and out in the un-attached garage).

Therefore, I get panicky phone calls to come and help get the kitty (hello! I'm at work!) b/c he is now scared of Warren b/c he got in "trouble" *spanky spanky* and so now he was taunting Warren from under the porch. *nanna nanna boo boo*

I make it home and proceed to use the irrestistable jingly-blue fishy toy as bait...*ooo, pretty jingly toy* and finally lure him out so I can pounce on HIM.

He is now the happy owner of a jingle bell collar, which he tries to out-run, but has not quite figured out that it's attached to his body. He's now trying strange contortionist moves, maybe he'll try out for an acrobat position. :-)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pretty Lights!

Happy Holidays! I promised a picture of our X-mas they are thus far...We'll see if anymore get added on! Lights can be very addictive. Notice the nice 'glow' we have eminating from the tree (7 strings!! but it looks so cool). I photoed w/o the flash so you could get the night effect. :)

School is dragging along and I feel very swamped. I have all this library administrative stuff that never gets done b/c I have no time to do it! I'm feeling the frustration and am not very happy with the job. However I like the convenience of where it is located and the paycheck....only 2 more yrs to go. Maybe the schedule will get better next year. Let's hope.

There's not too much going on right now...planning a little Christmas shopping on Friday evening when we have our date night and then going to Dicken's on the Strand on Saturday. I think it will be really cool! Check out their site:

The Christmas tree went up this past Sunday. Pete isn't sure what to make of it. He thinks that the tree skirt is his personal rug under the pretty lights. ha ha I also put his kitty tunnel behind the tree for more fun! lol So far he hasn't tried to climb it, but he does like to bite the branches occasionally! I hope he doesn't bite a light strand! He'd end up like the cat on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! Fried!

"How nice of her to put this lovely beaded rug under here for me, now if I could just figure out how to play with the beads....."

Monday, November 19, 2007

Jingle bells, jingle bells...

So, tonight we started putting up Christmas lights!! Yea! I've been dying to all weekend so I decided to just start tonight (I prefer to do it at night, b/c then you can see how it looks as you go) I figured that if I got started then Warren would want to supervise *heh* and get in the Christmas light spirit!

So, we got one strand around the tree in the front yard and then promptly went to the store and bought a few more strands of white lights and a Tree for the house (mine is puny...we got a multi-colored pre-lit 7 ft. tree at Home Depot for only $69...what a deal!). Our outside tree is now finished and looks awesome and we have a Light Plan.

Going to take back the shrub net lights I got...didn't like how they looked...and have been instructed to get 5 candy canes, 2 strands of chasers, and some fat bulbs for on the house. (!!! He's so specific!!!) Will post a pic if we get it all finished tomorrow night. :)

Only a half a day left!

And no more Poop!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Reno, Baby!

Ok, ya'll so the Lake Tahoe/Reno (This is Lake Tahoe above) area is BEAUtiful! Of course, it could be that I was just happy to get out of the Land-of-Perpetual-Greeness that Galveston is...I mean really, is it too much to ask for seasons?! So far we have one tree that has lost leaves, all else is still green and blooming.

Anyway, I get off topic. So getting there was a trip! I left school at 3:15 to haul a$$ to the other side of Houston to make it to Bush IA for a 6:45 flight out. Since I'd never been there I figured I needed to allow for plenty of time...and I got there with plenty of time to spare. Parking was easy, check-in was quick, I had enough time to buy a book and dinner and Reeses Pieces for later. Then we board the plane. Then we proceed to sit on the runway for 45 min. We did not LEAVE Houston until 7:45. An hour late!! I have a connecting flight!! Needless to say when I landed in Orange County they were paging me and about to leave and I had to literally RUN to the other end of the airport. Good thing it was a small one. I was the last one on the plane and they practically shut the door on my heels and took off!

Mom was supposed to land before me in Reno, but I get there and she isn't there, seems like she had an unplanned stop in Phoenix?! So I waited there for about 45 a car rented from the hott boy behind the desk (which was my total criteria for picking out the car rental place, I had no preference other than he was nice to look at!! and hey, I got a Garmin GPS for the car out of the deal!) heehee

Friday, Mom and I hit the yarn store and some antique places. We've both needed time to relax like this! It was a nice "fall break" for us. Mom, by the way, is looking fantastic! I hadn't seen her since her surgery and could tell a big difference in how she looks and moves. We hit the vendors at the Confrerence and picked up all this free stuff you see in our trunk!! Then Mom and I went to see the place where the Donner Party got stranded! It was almost to the day that they got snowed in by 28 ft. of snow and were eventually reduced to cannibalism to survive! The link is to more info on Wiki... Then we drove around the southern? edge of Lake Tahoe and back into Reno, which looks weird being that there is no grass on the ground! Just large piles of dirt...would be pretty if snow covered it all! Later that evening I made two airport trips to pick up first Esther and then Warren.

Friday evening and Saturday morning, was spent gathering stuff for our presentation and brainstorming before the acutal presenetation...which went rather well considering. Then we wrapped up the trip with a little gambling (Warren's whole reason for coming!) and all you can eat sushi! Yum!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Stay tuned...

...the Poop class comes tomorrow.

...and I'm being lazy about up-loading photos from Reno...they will come soon, but I have a developing sinus infection and just want to come home and curl up in bed w/ hot chocolate and a book..oh yeah, and it got cold today! low 60s. no wonder I'm half sick w/ up and down temps...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

POOP in the Library!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that's right folks...P-O-O-P. A Kindergartener just stood up and pooped out his pants...for some reason he had on magic pants that did not contain the Poop. Maybe no underwear?!?!? But he stood up, beside his chair and the Poop came out a leg of his shorts-that-are-long-and-baggie-like-pants kind of shorts.

Ya'll...this was not ordinary little-boy Poop. This was Poop with a capital letter!! I swear it was the biggest pile I've seen! It looked like doggie-doo only more! Bigger! Grace doesn't even produce a pile that large!

So...I hauled him and his non-poopie pants to the nurse and told the office to send the janitor ASAP. Thank goodness it was at the end of class and time to go!! Also so thankful that 4th grade (who comes right after Kinder) had an assembly.

Oh yeah, it took the janitor almost an hour to clean it all up.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Out of town...

Woohoo! Off to AASL tomorrow! Yay! I'm so excited!! Mom and I get there tomorrow night and then we're going go get registered Thurs. and prowl around the yarn and scrapbook stores...then Friday Esther and Warren come in (Esther for the conference and Warren just to relax...poor med student...3 tests this week!!!!). I think Esther gets there a few hours before he does.

Got to go finish packing~night

Monday, October 22, 2007

Snakes in the Library!

First some lovely pictures tho--I took this last week on my way to school (yes, I'm driving!!) of the shrimp boat out in the ocean...we had yummie fresh shrimp this weekend from Katie's Seafood Market (check out their link on the side. It is such a peaceful drive in the morning along Seawall Blvd. to school. This is my view for most of the drive.

And now let me set the scene with some pictures of the you can see where I work and where I was sitting in relation to the Snake in the Library...

The first picture is the reading area, I sit in the rocker and read stories to the children who sit on the large carpet. Next, are my 'work' tables...if we do activities and things...finally is the circulation desk where the students check out their books.
Well, this morning Kindergarten and I are sitting at the carpet and are reading our story when a student says, "Mrs. Worsham, look a snake!" Sure enough, I glance over...and there it is! Just slitherin' along on the floor...headed straight for me! Luckily, I've had lots of school and could tell what kind it was right away (a Rough Earth Snake) so I just went over and picked him up and went in my office for a container. Then I thought..hmmm...probably not a good idea for a 5 year-old to think that they can just go pick up a snake if they see one. So, we had a teachable which I explained that I've seen these kind of snakes before and could identify it. I also explained that I knew it wasn't dangerous because of the size of it's I explained how poisonous snakes have really large triangular heads and this one doesn't (of course we had to kind of pass him around and look at him a little bit closer then). So that was the day's excitement! Here he is our new Library Snake:

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Reno, TSA, & Carrots...

1. I like making lists, because then it doesn't seem like I'm being so random in my thoughts.

2. I successfully made carrots like Donnas tonight! yay! Without having a clue how she does it...I just know a little milk, water, pat of butter, & sugar?, is involved...or if not then they at least turned out tasting really similar. :-)

3. I have been madly doing laundry and cleaning house in anticipation of leaving for Reno, NV on Wed. and Warren to follow on Fri. Aunt L & L are coming down to dog & cat-sit. Grace is most excited! I will leave DIRECTLY after school (3:15 if I can do it) to make my 6:45 flight out of Bush.

4. Which means that I probably won't go to stitch n' b*tch tomorrow (I'll tell you why I *ed on the next number) because I'll be at school late making sure lesson plans and copies are ready for the end of the week. I think I have them all ready, but I need to feel organized about it & I'm not quite there yet.

5. Jake called me out of the blue on Saturday morning (8:15!!!!!!!!!) to tell me he read my blog (hence the *) and that he doesn't think broccoli should be a super-food. ha!

6. The weekends are so not long enough...I barely feel like I've gotten to relax by the time Monday rolls back around.

7. I'm looking forward to the trip tho -- It will be the first time I've gotten to see Mom since her surgery. Yay!

8. If you travel, here is the current guidelines for traveling with knitting needles from TSA: . I printed these to bring with me just in case.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Top 14 “Super Foods” …straight from the med student’s homework:

1. Wild Salmon -lowers heart disease, blood pressure, and cancer incidence (in one study by over 60%). Studies also suggest that fish consumption is associated with a lower risk for depression, violent behavior, Alzheimer’s, ADD, and A-fib (Atrial fibrillation).
Salmon Sidekicks: Alaskan Halibut, Canned Albacore Tuna, Sardines, Herring, Trout, Sea Bass, Oysters, and Clams
*Eat fish twice per week, unless pregnant or very young children – then just once per week.

2. Legumes – beans: lowers risk of heart disease by 20%, lowers cholesterol, reduces obesity, & relieves hypertension (high blood pressure). For diabetics, beans help control blood suger. Beans also protect against skin cancer!
*Eat 4 half cup servings per week.

3. Blueberries – a.k.a. “brainberries”! There have been some recent animal studies that have showed actual reversal of brain deterioration; they also lower heart disease, protect your eyes, and have SPF nutrients. Says, “the best chance to move & think like a kid as you mature.”
Blueberry Sidekicks: purple grapes, cranberries, boysenberries, raspberries, strawberries, currents, blackberries, cherries, and pomegranates.
*Eat 1 to 2 c. per day (fruit smoothies anyone?)!

4. Broccoli – best cancer fighter you can eat; 2 servings per day can result in a 50% reduction in risk. Is most powerful and easier to eat as sprouts (10 to 100x power of regular broccoli). Also boosts immune system, decreases colon cancer risk, incidence of cateracts, supports heart health, builds bones, has SPF nutrients & fights birth defects.
Broccoli Sidekicks: Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, turnips, cauliflower, collards, Bok Choy, mustard greens, Swiss Chard.
*Eat half to 1 c. per day.

5. Oats – the super breakfast! Keeps you full; low in calories. Reduced risk for diabetes, lowers cholesterol, coronary heart disease, has high fiber, protein, and SPF nutrients.
Oats Super Sidekicks: wheat germ & ground flaxseed
Oats Sidekicks: brown rice, barley, wheat, buckwheat, rye, millet, bulgar wheat, amaranth, & quinoa
Random tidbit: al dente pasta is better for you…it doesn’t break the carbs down into sugar.
*Eat 5 to 7 servings a day of whole grains (ex. Whole wheat bread! Or 10-21 grams of whole grain fiber.)

6. Oranges – Vitamin C!! Supports heart health, prevents cancer, stroke, diabetes, & chronic ailments. Helps modulate immune system and has anti-infective effects.
Orange Sidekicks: lemons, white & pink grapefruit, kumquats, tangerines, and limes.
*Eat 1 serving daily (try a glass of high pulp OJ) yuk! I like low to none!

7. Pumpkin -- !!! Rich in alpha and beta carotene – “longevity nutrients”. Lowers various cancer risks and supplies nutrients necessary for healthy, youthful skin and eyes. An SPF powerhouse!
Pumpkin Sidekicks: carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and orange bell peppers.
*Eat ½ c. most days.

8. Soy – prevents heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, & relieves menopausal and menstrual symptoms. Also an SPF powerhouse!
Soy Sidekicks: tofu, soymilk, soy nuts, edamame (yummie!), tempeh, and miso.
*Eat 10-15 grams per day.

9. Spinach – the more you eat the more you lower your risk for cancer; also decreases risk of heart disease, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. One of the healthiest foods you can eat…the darker the greens the more phytonutrients (so the better for you!).
Spinach Sidekicks: Kale, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, turnip greens, Bok Choy, romaine lettuce, and orange bell peppers.
*Eat 1 c. steamed or 2 c. raw of dark, leafy greens most days.

10. Tea – boosts immune system, prevents cancer & osteoporosis, lowers stroke, cataract, & hypertension risk. Is the cheapest, easiest, no-calorie way to improve your diet and live longer. Random Tidbit: Men who drink one cup of tea daily may reduce their risk of heart attack by 44%.
*Try to drink 1+ c. per day of green or black tea.

11. Tomato – the lycopene in tomatoes actually acts like an internal sunblock. Lowers the likelihood of cancer, plays a role in preventing heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and macular-degeneration.
Tomato Sidekicks: red watermelon, pink grapefruit, Japanese persimmons, red-fleshed papaya, strawberry guava.
*Try to eat 1 serving of canned tomatoes per day and multiple servings of fresh tomatoes per week. Pizza can be a health food if you add more sauce, less cheese, and use a whole grain crust. (sounds kinda yucky)

12. Turkey – extremely low in fat & provides multiple nutrients to build a strong immune system – lower in fat and calories than chicken!
Turkey Sidekick: skinless chicken
*Try to eat 3 to 4 servings (3-4 oz.) per week, consider using instead of ground beef. (tastes very similar and is better for you! I’ve used in chili and as a burger!)

13. Walnuts – along with tea the easiest way to improve your health! A handful a day can cut your risk of cardiovascular event by as much as 51%! Lowers risk/progression of AMD, contains SPF nutrients.
Walnut Sidekicks: almonds, pistachios, sesame seeds, peanuts, pecans, macadamia, hazelnuts, cashews, pumpkin & sunflower seeds
*Eat a handful of nuts 5x per week – be sure to skip the salt and added oils!
Random Tidbits – 2 T. of peanut butter 5x per week cuts risk of type II diabetes by 20%
A small dose of nuts with dark chocolate (65% or more cocoa) is a good antioxidant

14. Yogurt – a great source of digestible protein, double the protein of milk. Promotes strong bones, healthy heart, immune system booster. Get active cultures!
Yogurt Sidekicks: kefir (like a drinkable yogurt), Stoneyfield yogurt/fruit smoothie
*Try to eat 2 c. daily.

Fact conclusions:
DO NOT supersize me! One supersized McFries has 600 calories!
Since 1980, the number of overweight Americans has doubled.
More than 400,000 deaths per year are associated with obesity.
Every day, 1 in 4 Americans visit a fast food restaurant.

Try to:
Add one Superfood a week to your shopping cart.
Enjoy eating well…and get daily exercise!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Don't drop the coffee...

The laws of gravity robbed me of the Starbuck's this my driveway. So close! I sent Warren to replenish it b/c I didn't want to go back in and do the same order again!

David (Warren's study buddy and classmate...they used to work together in Dallas too) was stranded last night. He left his car keys at a guy's house and then the guy wasn't home, so he joined us for dinner last night. We tried out the Wild Wing Cafe downtown. Very good if you need that fried food craving filled. Mmm...mushrooms.

Otherwise it's a quite's finally getting down to about 70ish at night which feels so much cooler. Course our humidity is down some too so it's nice that it is starting to feel a tiny bit like fall. Maybe I'll be able to actually use my knitted stuff!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's all about the Baklava...

What a long week and it's only Tuesday! Last night we had open house at school so it made for a really long Monday. Was there until 7:30! But it's always nice to see some of the parents...of course I've noticed that being in a special area (the library...because I rotate...hence I'm "special") I tend to only see the parents of the 'good children' and the ones who are 'the readers.' Oh well, I had at least a dozen sign in on the sheet and I wasn't making people sign in so I think that's pretty good. And then today was a faculty meeting, which I hope and pray will get shorter because meeting until 5 o'clock is crazy!! We start at 3:45! Too freakin' long! Esp. after being there so late the night before...grrr.

I'm feeling rather frustrated with the job because since the classes come to me in rotation I have like zero time to do any library administrative work, like order supplies, order books, delete old books from the system, process 'new' books that came from schools that closed, etc. Basically, I teach. All my time is spent lesson planning and teaching. I am not a librarian, I am a library teacher. Big difference.

Hubby has been nice tho and fixed dinner the past two nights! Yay! Thanks Warren! *hug* So, I guess tomorrow and Thursday will be my turn. :) And then we've decided that we've designated Friday evenings as 'date night' and we go out to eat somewhere on the island. That has been really nice and gives me something to look forward to during the week. I passed a restaurant today on my way home that I think we may have to try out Friday...last week we had Greek. Yummie...I miss my Greek restaurant in Denton, it's nice to find a good place here. It's all about the baklava. Gotta have me some dessert!

We had refrigerator problems last week! We have one that sort of came with the house and the top part of it stopped cooling! (it's one of those with the freezer in the bottom). So we let the landlords know because it's not our fridge and she sent over a guy to look at it. Although we all agreed that if it was too much to repair then we'd just move it out and move mine in. He said he'd have to check on a part and the price but when he looked at it he said that it had just frozen up...the blower from the freezer wasn't sending the cooler air up to the top..something was frozen somewhere. So, geniuses that we are, we decided to just unplug it and see if that fixed it (we moved our food to the garage fridge tho) and of course it did. So now we are still waiting for a price quote on a fridge that was easily fixed! Duh! No part needed!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Halloween Goodness...

I have started a new Altered Book for Mom and I...we're going to mail it back and forth for each other to work on it some. I've been accumulating vintage Halloween stuff for about the past year and finally got started on it this fall. I did a two page spread in it this weekend and this is what I accomplished:
HAPPY OCTOBER! (only wish it wasn't 80-freakin-degrees!)

Multi-task Knitting!

One of my WIPs (works in progress) are some Christmas gifts for a couple of favorite relatves (la la la pretend you don't see them if you read my blog!). I began one scarf and then decided that it was a waste of needle space to not go ahead and work them both at the same time! So I slid the green one off onto a stitch holder and worked the pink one until they were about the same size and then slid the green one back on. Now I'm knitting two scarves at once! Magic! Multi-task Knitting!

I like to call them hole-y scarves, but the actual name of the stitch I'm using is called the Faggot Stitch (which is apparently an old traditional lace stitch) and I found the pattern here:

My Hole-y Scarf Recipe
One Skein of Yarn Bee Icelandic Jewels in Peridot and
One Skein of Yarn Bee Icelandic Jewels in Garnet (one skein per scarf)
(each skein is 129 yards and 3.5 oz. if that helps in finding similar yarnage)
(79% acrylic 16% nylon 5% polyester)
One pair of size 11 needles (mmm, I love my Takumi bamboo ones I'm using, from Clover)

Gauge: I'm still not very good at counting it but I think I'm getting about 2.5 per inch probably because I'm using size 11s instead of 10.5s. I knit really tightly so I wanted to go up a little to make the stiches a little larger.

Cast on 18 stitches.
Row 1: knit 1, yarn over, knit two together, repeat.
Repeat row 1 until almost out of yarn.
I think I might save enough to put some super big pom-pom's on the end!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Some Scarf-age...

So, finally some pic's of my first ever completed scarf (done with some random yarn I had laying around the house...I think just Lion Brand something from Wal-mart -- in garter or knit stitch).

An up-close-and-personal view of the yarn-age.

And me modeling...notice my mad photography skills by taking a photo of myself via the mirror! lol

More's a lazy rainy Saturday.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Library latest...

I had a student (1st grader, I think) who sneezed the other day and blessed himself! ha!

It went something like this...

We had relocated to the table area (I have 7 student tables that seat 4 per table) and I was passing out their coloring sheet, I walked by and he sneezed, and before I could even respond he said, "Bless Me." !! lol

It was comical because he was so serious and just went right on about his work just like he blesses himself all the time!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Bad Mojo!

A couple of posts ago I alluded to the bad week Warren had when he went and stayed with his Mom...He had a week off between his classes (he passed the one he just finished too! nice job babe!) and went up to spend a nice relaxing week with his mom and to help her do a few things around the house.

Little did he know...

On his arrival Sunday, he and his sister hear water running in the kitchen area, when no water is turned on. So they sort of check around...take a look at the water meter, thinking maybe there's a leak, leave for a few hours, and check the meter again when they get back to see and OMG 30 Gallons!! had passed in that time frame. Yep, there's a leak alright!

Had the plumber in on Monday and found two leaks under the kitchen, one a water pipe and one sewer (I think) anyway, it was so wet he couldn't get under there to fix it at the time (he returns Friday). He also found leakage under the bathrooms, that had gone on long enough to rot out the floors! It's a miracle that they hadn't fallen thru yet!

Call goes in to State Farm, b/c she has homeowners insurance, they put them up in a hotel for the time being and they come out on Tuesday to assess the damage and give an estimate.

Meanwhile, Wanda wanted Warren to help her get a new car (total reason for the trip) so they look around, find a good deal on an new Jeep Liberty. Head to the dealership...her car dies on the way!!! They had to get it towed to the dealership and had the dealer man come pick them up! (They weren't that far, a few blocks).

Side note during this same week: his sister and her husband installed new hardwood floors in their house in August...left the dog at home in the bedroom to keep him off the floors...he chews a hole in a pipe flooding the ENTIRE house!!

Thursday, Warren takes his car in to get the brakes checked...kinda routine, well they call him back not too long after he leaves...and his radiator blew a hose! Replaced brakes, rotors, A/C hoses, and battery. Grand Total: $600 (Some of this stuff had been needing to be done...he's not so good at the car maintaince area). Also State Farm gives an estimate and so they begin to get in some contractors to redo the bathrooms.

Friday, plumber comes and fixes kitchen pipes.

Saturday he comes home. I tell him to leave the bad mojo in Dallas!!

So far nothing catastrophic...other than an a Tropical Storm! ha

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Me: the newer more improved blond version

Ok, so right before school started, I made a hair appt. at a new place (the stitch n' bitch gals recommend a couple of places to try, oh yes, I stitch n' bitch, Monday nights at Mod Cafe). The place is called LuLu's. Rather swanky, and I was told THE place on the island to go if you want to impress others with your choice of where you go.

Anyways, Tony was very nice, only a few $$ more than what I pay Gwen (will be SO glad when we move back!!) with MUCH better results than the cheap-o place I went to previously.

It's not a pretty picture, so don't judge. It's Sunday, I've washed both the cars and taken a nap...but you can see the pretty blond color! :)

Some Pic's of Humberto :)

Yay, I found an alternative means at Fry's for pulling the pic's off my xD card. Woohoo! It's a thumb drive for your xD card, so smart.

So, without further ado, pictures of Humberto:

This is out our front door and does not do justice to the amount of rain that is whipping by.

I zoomed in so you can see the water level on the neighbor's tires. It is almost up to the hubcap!! and the street was pretty much a stream.

This next photo gives you a better idea of how the rain was whipping...taken off the front porch to the side, looking west. And to the right is some rainwater drippage off the corner of the house! No downspout!

And now some backyard action! Don't worry, that's not a UFO or a random light hanging from the trees, I guess my camera picked up the glare of the kitchen light in the glass of the backdoor. So weird looking! ha
Anyway, super windy, but this was a little before the heavier rain started.
And finally, Warren on the phone during the storm. We both talked to our Mom's at some point! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Video of Humberto...

Here is video coverage of Humberto courtesy of the local news...

Tropical Storm Humberto!!!

OOO! Our first tropical storm is scheduled to hit at any momento!! Humberto! At 4 PM it was tracking 50 miles off the coast of Galveston and headed directly to us. Winds will be around 50+ MPH and it's moving about 5-7 MPH.

It has been raining since sometime last night and has continued throughout the day...

We even have a possibility of a School Closure!! Because of Rain! ha...actually because it would create some flooding, we're only 10 feet above sea level here folks...and as I found out when I got home it is a tropical storm...kinda exciting. The Oklahoma equivalent of a tornado. :) Maybe I should go out on the porch and watch....

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Monkey toes...

Pete's new nickname is 'Monkey toes.' He has NOT liked Warren being gone this past week (which I will have to tell you in another post all that he dealt with, it was a soap operatic week).

He woke me one morning at 5 AM!!! 5 AM?!?!?!? (My alarm does not go off until six. You would think that after 2 weeks of this that he'd catch on.)

Anyway, he was climbing, yes folks-climbing, the door.

"How's that?," you ask.

Well, in our bedroom, there is a door that goes out onto the back porch/deck area. It is a door with lots of little window panes in it. Four vertically and three that the middle of the door is windows.

That's right, he climbs the window panes...

Monkey toes...

I promptly kicked him out and shut him in the other bedroom and slept for another hour.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

eBay has all the answers...

In answer to my mom's comment on the previous post...yes, you really can give eBay gift cards.

Go here:

Hola mis amigos :)

Ok, so I'm going to be completely help with the randomness I will put it into a list. Maybe the organizationalish structure of a list will help the random musings... :)

1. I will probably be somewhat proficient in Spanish by the end of the school year. Mucho espaniol estudiantes! So far tho they are some of my best classes, could it be something is being lost in translation? :) Not with the older ones much, mostly by then they comprende and can translate for classmates that need it.

2. We live in a freaking rain forest. I know that there is typically dew in the mornings, but everything is DRIPPing in the morning...almost like it's rained. I can't park to close to the shrubbery or I will get drenched just walking by and brushing up against it. Crazy humidity.

3. I must make more time for art projects.

4. Knitting is wonderful.

5. Buy me eBay giftcards for x-mas. I spend way to much $$ on there! (It's so much fun tho! It's like a garage sale on your computer! OMG!).

6. I don't much like still holds bad memories.

7. I am extremely put out that now my other camera cord is mis-placed. I'm sure that I've put it somewhere thinking that was a good spot for it. Problem is that it must not have been very logical since now I can't find it! Grrr.

8. Labor day weekend was quiet. It rained most of the weekend here so I just watched movies and relaxed w/ the pets. Warren has this week off between classes and has gone up to his mom's. So all is pretty quiet down here...just me and the animals. Good thing he went up tho b/c her bathroom floor is rotted and needs to be replaced! They figured that out b/c there is two leaks under her kitchen sink! Serious plumber stuff going on up there this week...he's so good with helping her. (She's lived in the house she's in for quite a while like almost 30 years I think...for someone as transient as I am that seems like FORever!)

9. My cat climbs chairs. No I type his hiney is hanging off the back of one of the kitchen chairs w/ his toes curled around the top of it and his front feet are perched on the middle bar that goes thru the back of the chair. Weird cat. Monkey toes.

10. New travel website to check out...similar to expedia or travelocity: . (Thanks Nat!) I'm always interested in who runs the best's nice to another possibility to the list. Plus I kinda like kayaks...

11. I love shoes.

12. And I guess I'll stop here b/c not much else is coming to my brain. I'm drained at the end of the days and my feet hurt (not that heels help...but they're so pretty :) So I'll end on that one, Beauty is Painful. ha

night ya'll! ~ klw

Monday, August 27, 2007

Coyote Morning...

Oh yeah, I forgot...a couple of mornings ago Grace and I were doing our morning walk and came upon a coyote!! He was trotting down the middle of the road in our neighborhood. He kept his distance and was a block or more away when I first spotted him, so he turned the corner and trotted off down the road...

A neighbor lady was out picking up her paper and commented on him to me...said that they roam around some, but are mainly just searching for food. Kinda sad. Their habitat is non-existant here now.

Anyway, just thought it was interesting to see in the neighborhood on a morning walk. :)

First Day of School...

[Side note: I have pictures to download from my camera...because I ordered a battery I can't find the computer to camera download cord!!! If it's not one thing it's another! Hopefully it will turn up soon...]

So first day was pretty smooth for the most part...although I did have to kick some people out of my library this morning so I could have class!

They (being front office people, principals included) wanted to use my seating area of the library as a catch-all area for those people who needed further enrollment help (or something like that...hey, as long as I didn't have to supervise...fine, I don't care what'cha do).

So school starts...8:45 rolls around...table seating area is still full of parents, children, office personnel, and principals. Kindergarten is scheduled to come at 8:45. First day of school, first day of Kindergarten. They are late (of course) so I go get them, thinking to myself that maybe all the people will be out by 9:35 when 4th grade is scheduled to come in, and that it's okay because Kindergarten and I will stay over on the carpet and read our stories. And so we did. And I returned them to class (going to be one of those teachers!! grrr).

It's 9:30. All of my tables (and I have 9!!) contain people. I head toward Principal No. 1, she says, "Oh, you have a class coming." I say, "Yes." She says, "What time?" (thinking to myself, doesn't she know? didn't she make my schedule? duh!) I say, "At 9:35, which is in 5 minutes, and I need all of my seating because I'm presenting a PPT and doing an activity with 4th grade." They all promptly adjourn to the cafeteria. Score one for me! lol

Anyway, after that it was pretty smooth sailing. I have a couple of 'interesting' 3rd graders on Monday, but otherwise not to shabby. And I kinda like once-a-week lesson plans (not that I should be making them! incorrect library usage! I should not be a 'teacher' or teaching in isolation but...oh pays the bills).

Some random cute animal pic's: Here is Pete in stalker kitty mode...and just chillin'.

And not to be outdone...Grace demolishing a stuffed toy:

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mom's Surgery...

Hi, all...thanks for your thoughts and prayers! Mom's surgery went well and she is re-couping at Aunt Lisa's in Dallas. For those of you who don't know...she had the lap-band procedure done on Thursday and was checked out today.

She seems to be doing well, kinda tired from the hospital stay (they're always waking people up!) and her throat was pretty hoarse sounding yesterday but sounds better today. She didn't go all the way home like she thought she might...riding in the car made her feel pretty queasy.

But all looked well, she doesn't have to go back to have stitches or staples removed...she's glued!! They're using something new(?) that's like superglue instead of stitches! Weird! :)

Anyway, she's keeping record of the process she'll go through with having had this done, you can check her out here:

Monday, August 13, 2007

Brownouts, Transformers, and possible Snake Bites?

Well lemme start of with the possible snake bite episode entitled, "life of a city dog: part 2." Some of you may remember the Halloween Skunk incident that Grace had last fall, well she recently had another incident with something 'wild' in the backyard....

Warren and I went to a Texans pre-game (because they were playing da' Bears) this past Saturday. The game was an evening one so we got home at 11:30ish. Grace went outside, we took showers, Grace came inside, and he proceeded to feed the animals their very late dinner. I walked into the kitchen to get something from the fridge, looked down, (Grace's food bowl is next to the fridge) and noticed her fur on her head looked funny, like it was sticking up or something. So I reached down and lifted her head and OMG her whole face was PUFFY!! She had FAT LIPS! and a little swelling around the eyes. Panic to find the benedryl ensued. None was found. I ran to CVS.

Meanwhile, Warren was trying to figure out the cause....not a food reaction, she's had it before and she was eating as her face was puffy. Too quick for a reaction like that to happen. Maybe an insect sting? Maybe SNAKEBITE????????? Apparently our island is not immune to the poisonous snakes of Texas. We have them all but two species. Yikes! Who knew?!?

I found the benedryl at CVS, $13!?! (I bought the container of 100) and promptly gave her 6 in cheese, cheese being her favorite form of pill taking. I made her lay in bed with me because I was panicky at the thought that she might stop breathing and the nearest Vet ER is 20 min. away. It was good signs tho that she ate and drank and downed the cheese and kept 'em down. I decided just to moniter and see if I needed to take her in in the AM.

Anyway, I have no solution as to the cause of her fat lips....I guess we'll never know. Although I'm now keeping an eye out for snakes.


So, now, moving on to the other exciting part...the next day around 1:30 PM, I'm working on the computer at the kitchen table and notice that the air coming out of the AC is not so chilly. Rather warm. And the temp for the day was like 97 outside....sooo hot. So, I call the landlord...leave a message.

Warren gets home...we're tinkering with flipping breakers, landlord calls and gives us some pointers to try out first while she gets the info looked up for her AC repairman. (Oh, and this was Sunday afternoon...$$$$ for an AC guy to come out). Not long after we get off the phone with her our lights start dimming throughout the house and our electricity blinks some.

As we are cursing our old house with it's weird breakers and trying to figure out if we should call them about the weird dim lighting happening in the house the lights go out. Partially. Ah ha! Now it is clear we have a problem with the electricity and that we should contact our electric company instead of the landlord. I went over to the neighbors to double check the electric status...she was hot too. (and I mean b/c she had no AC!! for those of you w/ your minds in the gutter.)

So, we have a brownout because our office room retains all power (at full power too), our microwave outlet still worked, and the living room lamp and TV outlet still worked. So us and the animals hole up in the office room and turn the fan on full blast.

Anyway, long story was 2:45 AM before they got a team of 5 guys to come and fix the transformer. It was so toasty, at some point I had the bright idea to go and nap in my car....where the AC worked. ;)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Roman Ramblings...part 1

Part 1: Transportation and arrival

Well, to begin was very interesting flying for soooooo looooong! Kinda fun to people watch but then you sorta get tired of seeing the same folks after a few hours. Our flight out of Dallas flew to Frankfurt (which was where our passports were stamped, NOT in Italy...kinda strange) which was I think 9 hours and then from Frankfurt a short 1.5 hr. flight on to Rome.

We landed and proceeded through the usual gates and customes type areas (no frisking tho) on to Baggage Claim. (yes...capitalized because of the HORROR of BC!) Off we go all excited and optimistic and OMG we are in Italy and feeling like cool foreign travelers, when we get to the Baggage Claim area. Us and the other couple hundred people or so from our flight. And we wait. More flights arrive. Milan. Paris. Frankfurt. And we wait. Berlin. Nice. (as in [niece] France). London. And still we wait. OUR FLIGHT DISAPPEARS FROM THE LIST. OMG! Oh, and did I mention that out of all the baggage carousels ALL of the baggage from these flights are on ONE carousel. ALL ON THE SAME CAROUSEL?!?! Are these Italian people crazy?!?! Major cities, a gazillion people at this point, pushing someone from their party forward so they can crane their necks and make a mad jump for their suitcase and knock others out of the way to yank it off the belt if it so much as resembles the bag they checked. Some were successful, some weren't.

Some very nice Italian Manly Men Airport Workers (heh) began pulling bags off the carousel and sitting them to the side in a roped off area. People began to jostle some for position around the carousel and the bag overflow area keeping a sharp eye out for their luggage.

At this point it had been roughly 30+ minutes (forever in American Baggage Carousel Time) and we were starting to get a little panicky and were only calmed by the fact that others from our flight were still there and waiting too. (Nice thing about the long flight is we all recognize each other at this point).

Warren began circulating around the carousel and bag areas watching for our luggage while I held down the spot that I had gotten right beside the carousel because our flight had been one of the first ones there. So of course I had a great spot. :)

People began questioning each other, Where are you from? What was your flight? How long have you been here? Sometimes they asked me in English other times Italian and once I think in French...kinda flattering to think I don't reek "American."

Anyway it took 45 MINUTES before baggage from our flight, which had gone off the list of arrivals, to come around. Needless to say we did the mad dive and surfaced with all of our bags. Yay!

Our next hurdle was to find the airport transport that I had paid for to take us from the airport to the hotel, which wasn't too hard and then we had to wait for more people to arrive (another hour) because the next group departure wasn't until...well...a certain time...because at this point time was irrelevant and we were operating on different hours. (Our room...nice nap...notice how the bed takes up almost the WHOLE room?!) ------>

Needless to say we made it to the hotel before dark (I think around 4ish...we got there around noonish) and immediately took a shower in the way cool hotel shower and collapsed on the bed for a nap. So exhausting getting somewhere! (Pictures of our shower....) --->

We surfaced around 8ish, perfect time for Italian dinner and proceeded off down the street to find a little Pizzaria that was listed in our guidebook for our area of Rome. (We stayed in the Trastevere section...THE best food in the city is in this area for great prices!). We eventually found good.

And that was our first day. ha.

Other adventures in trasportation is how small all of the cars are! They are the is a random pic from the web to show you how very tiny they are. How do people really fit!? Amazing! Also smaller brand cars and many motorcycles & mopeds zip around the streets.

Also, they park them within CENTIMETERS of each other! How everyone isn't dented and dinged I don't know.

I LOVED the bus and train system! It was so easy to get around! And although it doesn't seem like they check for tickets if they do a random raid and you don't have a VALID bus ticket (you have to stamp the ticket in a little machine in the bus when you get on) then you have to immediately pay 100 euros or be hauled off to Italian jail!!! Scary!

Overall tho it was very easy to get around and not to much downtime waiting on mass transit, only occasionally.

We also did a train out of town to Pompeii that I'll talk more about later and it was Super easy to figure out. It makes me less nervous about maybe backpacking around Europe sometime in the future based upon the ease that we had with figuring out the Italian Mass Transit.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

J-O-B !!!!!


I will be the Library Media Specialist at Burnet Elementary in Galveston, TX!! YAY!!

More info to follow later...I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

Now I have to go dig out my birth certificate... :-)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Four Things...

Because I have nothing new to talk about...& I can't take any pictures of the amazing Kitty Pi I am knitting. Actually I'm amazed at myself for being able to figure out how to do it. :)

Anyway, just one of those chain e-mail things that you get every so often, this one popped-up on MySpace, but isn't overly long and each little section is Four Things, obviously, hence my title...

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Student worker -- OSU President's Office & CASC Pres. Ofc.
2. Daycare Provider (hey, it was a summer job...)
3. Schoolteacher
4. Graduate Assistant

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The Wizard of Oz (it is ingrained since childhood, I could probably recite the whole movie)
2. Under the Tuscan Sun (b/c I sooooo want to take over a house in Tuscany JUST LIKE Diane Lane does)
3. The Shawshank Redemption (b/c it is always on somewhere on cable and I usually stop and end up watching it...)
4. The Sound of Music, or The Princess Bride, or The Goonies...I couldn't pick! Why is it always the childhood movies that come to mind?! Maybe b/c they're the ones we've seen the most? I could truly probably recite them all...and sing along. :)

Four places I have lived:
1. Kansas City, MO
2. Denton, TX
3. Wilburton, OK
4. Stillwater, OK

Four television shows I love to watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Dexter (yes I'm morbid, but ya'll it's fascinating! OnDemand it and catch up before season 2 starts this fall)
3. The Tudors (yes, I have become addicted to Showtime)
4. Any CSI or Law & Order: SVU

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Rome, Italy
2. San Francisco, CA
3. Boston, MA
4. Roswell, NM (my first vacation...I was 4...we visited family on my g-ma's side...lots of twinkies and singing Yankee Doodle Dandy over and over and over and over, did I say I was 4?)

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. my grandmother's Fried Chicken
2. Chocolate Cake
3. Anything, from Panera Bread (how I miss you Panera!!)
4. uh, sandwiches? b/c I like eat them all the time! lol, I think it's b/c they are so easy to make...

Four websites I visit daily:
4. After those it varies to one of the following: or or (notice how I have problems listing JUST 4 things?)

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Back in Rome...ya'll it was amazing...I'd so move if I didn't have so much crap.
2. Sittin on a pretty beach book in one hand and a colada in the other.
3. Mom's art 'studio'.
4. In NY with Nat & W b/c I so wasn't there long enough last time to drink it all in & he's never been.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Some new art, a bad italian accent, & hot glue creations!

Ok, I just finished up an ATC swap that mom hosted on the yahoo group BeeswaxCollage and got the package off to her today, as well as another job application, and a package of books to Natalie W.

For those of you unfamiliar w/ what I'm talking about an ATC is an Artist Trading Card...we make them and swap them sort of like sports cards. :) Mom likes to host 'theme' card swaps on the site every other month or so. A swap is when you decide you'll make X amount of cards, mail them to the host (mom) along w/ some postage, and then she'll mix 'em up and you'll get back so many of cards from other people (amount is usually determined by how many you made and send...if you made 2 cards then you'll get 2 back, and so on).

I participate. Depends on if I'm inspired. :) (yes I have one, yes I wear it when I make stuff...rather inspiring, ha!) Anyway, our topic this month was 'Roma' and nooo...not the tomatoes, The Eternal City...for those of you'ha who don'ta speaka di italiano eets 'Rome' en italiano. Gratzi. Since I'm fresh back from Rome (as of May) then I thought I should make something...and yes this makes me realize I'm sorely lacking in having posted any Rome stories...guess I'll work on that.

Here are my submissions for the swap:
The first one is called "Italian Fashionista," and the quote at the bottom reads, "Oh, what I would give for an Italian sense of style." lol@myself :) I think she's rather cute. I made 11 of her!

The second one "Roma" is made on paper from Rome that I brought back from our honeymoon, the pic is of the capital ruins, there's some italian dictionary page in the background and the 'coin' is made of hot glue!!

How to make hot glue coin:
hot glue gun (lo-temp)
rubber stamp to make design
spray oil
non-stick surface

1. Squirt out some hot glue onto something you can peel it off of...I used the bottom (turn it over) of a casserole dish.

2. Spray rubber stamp with the cooking oil...I used an olive oil kind...or you could probably use plain olive oil. I'm not too sure how Pam would work. Lemme know if ya'll try it.

[edited to add:]
3. [apparently I left out a step...] Squish oiled stamp into the warmish glue, leave there for a bit until kinda dry-ish and firm feeling then pull stamp out. (Duh! I guess I kinda thought ya'll could read between the lines on that one.)

4. Peel off of casserole dish. Rinse. (so it's not oily when you paint it).

5. Paint whatever color you desire. Krylon pain pens work the best, but I didn't have any and used gold acrylic...I think it worked ok. :)

So easy! So cool! Insta coins! I may have to play w/ some of my other stamps! Rather quicker than trying for embossing something and gives a nice lumpy piece to adhere to add texture.

Anyway, time for me to go and begin on supper. David is coming over and I'm making some grilled salmon w/ rice and veggies. Tomorrow is test day for them (mid-term, cardiac class) so I'm making them brain food dinner. :)


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hurricanes? Lemme go out on the porch and check...

Ok, so I've received a phone call or two, please do not panic, as far as I know there isn't a hurricane in the Gulf. There hasn't been anything in the papers, nor did they mention anything on the news just a little bit ago, and I'm pretty sure that UTMB would be sending out an email to all its students ASAP (b/c they were a little overzealous last year on the whole tropical storm/hurricane email thing -- W got several preemptive emails), also...I've been checking the web, in particular the National Hurricane Center, and I came up with zippo folks. I think those newscasters in OK must've been excited over some rain we're getting and slipped and used the H-word. ;-)

Thanks for all the love calls! We'll let you know if we evacuate!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Wal-mart: the love/hate relationship

Ok, so maybe I'm about to make a Southern faux pas...but I've come to the conclusion that I very strongly dislike maybe even hate Wal-Mart. *Gasp* (did she really say that? how can she truly be Southern and hate Wal-Mart?)

Because let's face it folks, we in the South LOVE Wal-Mart and can't imagine there not being one at least an hour from where we live (see I included you folks who live out in the boonies--I betcha your local Wal-Mart is an hour or closer). Those of us Southern Townies can hardly bear the thought of Wal-Mart being more than 15-20 minutes away! Wal-Marts are everywhere...and let's face it; if you go on vacation it's always a comfort to find the LWM (Local Wal-Mart) to stock up on the forgotten toothbrush, shaving cream, sunscreen, snacks, maps, or local souvenir-type items.

I suspect my hate began in Stillwater...and it wasn't hate for the Stillwater store in particular (although it is one of those that's arranged funny inside or at least it was in 2002) but for the parking and it was occasionally crowded, although to a single-college-girl the crowding wasn't much of an issue because there's always a hot-guy-chance-maybe-I'll-find-a-date opportunity lurking down every isle. (hey, ya never know...we all hear the rumors of meeting someone at a grocery store).

My next LWM was in Kansas City, and I did LOVE that was nice and big with wide isles, decent parking, and very clean. Also it was fun to do married shopping.

Then we had to go back in time at the Bonham Wal-Mart because folks, when I moved down there in 2003 they weren't even open 24 hours!!! *Gasp!* HOW IS THAT NOT POSSIBLE?! This is where the hate began to set in...crowded, slooooooooow check-outs, no self-checkouts then (although they now sport 4), and a Super Wal-Mart squeezed into a regular Wal-Mart building. I think I got spoiled in KC. Although they do have good parking. :)

Then I went to Denton...I almost don't even want to discuss it. I truly dislike that one. It is perpetually crowded and dirty. I only went for the items that were non-grocery when I had to. Otherwise I stuck to Kroger.

Now, I'm in Galveston and there is a whole new aspect to take in...the tourists. For the love of God, DO NOT go to my Wal-Mart EVER from Fri-Sun. It is so time consuming. People are everywhere. And OMG did I say 'tourists'!

All that aside, I do love the one-stop-shop idea (kudos to Sam on that one) and yes they have low-prices. But occasionally I have to cheat and go to Kroger just for my sanity and the pretty vegetables.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A cool site, project, and snack...

Just a couple of random items....

1. Have you ever wondered how much you're supposed to tip the pizza guy? Just exactly what is the right amount? Then check out this cool website! (b/c there's a site for everything) Go Here: Tip calculator is to the right..scroll down a tad. Totally came in handy for our Pizza Guy tonight! Thanks NY Pizzeria!

2. I came across a cool project the other day as I was surfing. It's to make a coffee filter rose. Follow the link and watch the video for it...So cool and OMG they look unbelievably real. Or if you are so inclined and can spare the $$ then you can buy them from Cassie Chappell, who is the person doing the demo w/ Martha and sort of makes them like all the time.

I made one tonight and it was a little harder than it looks, but it could be b/c I was using a pipe cleaner and some masking tape in place of the florist wire and florist tape, neither of which I had on hand. But my rose turned out ok...maybe once I watercolor it it will be prettier.

3. Cute Kitty Pic!!I now have a pic of Pete b/c I made sure to take some on the dispos-y camera (which was of Warren's birthday last week, but he doesn't like having his picture up all over, so I'm not posting them...) Here's our orange guy...
So cute! He's on Warren's studious.

4. Here's ya a yummie new snack to was Warren's idea.

Chunk up some strawberries, don't slice them super thin, just cut into bite-sized pieces. Then instead of sugar, sprinkle cinnamon-sugar on top! Add more than you think...b/c when you stir it up it gets distributed all over the strawberry chunks.

I know it sounds weird, I thought the same, but try it! (It was a green eggs & ham moment.)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cat dirt & Dog hair...

I swear I will waste half my life just sweeping.

I am thankful that my camera cord is fritz-y so that I was not compelled to take a photo for you tonight of the massive amounts of cat dirt and dog hair that I swept up. Grace should be bald.

What is cat dirt you ask? Well let me tell you...

Cat dirt is the small mounds of dirt that you get around your potted plants from the kitty thinking it's fun to swat out a pawful now and then. Bad Kitty!

It was massive...not work for a swiffer...had to break out the broom. :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ahoy, maties! HP anyone?

Ok, seriously...don't these people KNOW that HP (that's 'Harry Potter' to you non-Potter people) comes out in print officially today?!?!?! WHY did they have to schedule the orientation today? They are eating into my reading time! AHH!

So, today was the Elissa volunteer orientation hey-come-work-for-us-for-free seminar. Don't get me wrong tho-- they are an amazingly dedicated and enthusiastic group of people. You leave with the feeling that you must do some of everything for them and when can you start? how can you help? Rather persuasive.

So, now I am trying to decide what to do. I must decide by this next weekend because that is when the first class begins.

Basically the whole program is you complete at least 16 out of 20 training sessions where you are learning to make-ready and sail a 19th centuary barque or tall-ship. All of these training sessions happen over weekends, 9 to 5, spread out until Feb. where then they decide if you've volunteered enough time and effort and if so then you sail in March.

I'm tempted...and have a slight feeling of if I don't do it I'll regret it...My only hesitation is that I don't know if I truly want to dedicate so much time yet. I'm leaning towards doing some volunteer work this year and then maybe next year going thru the seamanship training. They have many other programs and ways where one can still volunteer without training to sail.

It's also kind of daunting to just up and do something on your own where you don't know anyone in the group. My shy streak coming out..

Oh well, guess I'll think on it some more...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My 'Married' Hair...

Well I did it. I went and got a hair cut. Maybe not so traumatic for those of you who just go to whoever and wherever you can. But for me...traumatic!

I've been seeing the same hair lady since HIGH SCHOOL!! Luv you Gwen! Which is big b/c high school is now like almost 10 YEARS ago. omg. so old feeling moment....

K, now that that's past...I don't like trying new people because a)they could f* up your hair, b) your have to start your whole life story over again, c) you have to learn their whole story, and d) they could f* up your hair. Obviously a & d are the biggest reasons for the paranoia about going to a new stylist.

Anyway, if you hadn't seen me lately my hair had gotten long...hello! wedding! needed plenty of my superfinethin hair to do some kind of style with!

So down here were it is perpetually 70%+ humidity, a daily 40% chance of rain (whether it rains or not is trivial), and temps hovering around 90ish, it was time for a freakin' haircut! long hair! so hot! and not in the "I'm hott" kind of way!

*Notice how the nice lettering is on the picture where it is rather legible. Yes I upgraded photoshop. Ok, so maybe my font on it could be a tad larger. Hard to tell when I'm working in the window, will have to play more.

So, I go get my hair cut by a very nice lady named Angela, who has a two year old daugter and grew up down here and graduated from La Marque where I hope to soon be gainfully employed. She did a decent job for $ the cheapest haircut I've had in years!!! Sooo not as cool as shampoo (although she did ask) and a semi-dry cut?!?!! *sigh* with no styling afterwards. Oh, well ya get what ya pay for I guess.

The whole point of my rambling thus far is that Warren has apprently not seen my hair this short before (not that it's really that's still a tad past my shoulders) but he liked it and said so, and then he says, "Now you have married hair."

Excuse me? MARRIED hair?!?!?!?!? What exactly is Married Hair?! Why is short hair equated to marriage? Because we new wives suddenly have less time for our sexy long single girl hair? Trust me I have to fix it more when it's short!

The 'married' hair....which is now on it's way back to a nice medium un-wifely length. Sorry for the ghetto photo...

So tell me...Is your hair married? :D

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Salt water Rain?

Ok, so my mother swears by the power of salt water...but geez, even the RAIN is salty down here.

As if the ocean wasn't close enough...I run into Walgreens to pick-up b-day pictures (remember digi-camera is fritzing? bought cheap disposi for the b-day pics...) and it was slightly misty outside. When I came out, it was raining and I distinctly tasted salt in the rain...'course this could be b/c the ocean was RIGHT THERE (Walgreens on the East End is on Seawall Blvd.) so close I could have ran across the street and jumped in.

Nice thought, but I didn't.

I guess since the water cycle is so short down here being as we are like right by the ocean, that the clouds don't have time to get un-salty.

And how do clouds get un-salty anyways?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Introductions all around...

Hi ya'll! Welcome to my blog! Let's be honest...right from the beginning...I've never been much of a journal keeper. Oh, I tried in jr. high/high school and wrote from time to time random entries throughout college but it's never really stuck. However, I am now more determined. And rather inspired.

Anywho--on to more positive writings! I should introduce myself: Hi, my name is Kari Worsham, I am addicted to books, reading (hence the book addiction), altered art, ATCs/ACEOs, scrapbooking, movies, Tivo, Wii (and I'm so not a gamer, but the Wii is awesome!), antiques, paper, candles, knitting? (it's a new hobby I'm trying) and my new hammock (So Comfy! Thanks Mom!). Normally I would be employed as an elementary teacher, but seeing as how I just moved down here I'm job hunting. Also, I should mention I've been married once before, but he died in a rather sad & tragical accident, but we'll talk about that some other time. Just lettin ya know in case I make mention of the fact somewhere.

My dog and I married a great, wonderful, nice, interesting, & funny guy named Warren, who is down here attending medical school at
UTMB. He is originally from Allen, TX a part of the
Dallas suburbia area (oh yeah! I was born in TX but raised in OK so I lay claim to both states). He's just begun his 2nd year of med school. So busy! & interesting! He saw his 1st real patient today in the cardio unit all on his own and got called Dr.! Yay Warren!

Here is a pic of us...taken by my best friend's sister last fall. Check her out! It's an engagement pic taken at the Dallas Arboretum. Way cool place with some GORgeous flowers. We had fun that day.

H.R.D. (Her Royal Dogness) Princess Grace...I suck at the captioning...must get full version of Jasc Paint Shop. It reads, "Won't somebody play with me? How can you resist this face?"
Grace and I have been together since 2003...since the 'tragedy'. Thank God for my dog...she's what kept me going and gave me something to do to keep my mind occupied. Dog Therapy for sure.
Anyway, she fully speaks english, of course, and is not truly happy until her full pack is in town (a.k.a. the rest of my family - mom, cousins, aunts, grandma, etc.). She loves company! And she graciously accepted Warren into the pack. Although I think there was some bribery on the sly...

Warren has 3 fish...unfortuantely my camera cord decided to STOP WORKING. Great. Which means that I can't take pic's until the slooow people at Fujifilm fix it...and I refuse to buy more rechargeable pic's sometime in the future.

Also, our newest member to the family is named Pete. He is small, orange, furry, and feline! We rescued Pete at the
Humane Society...he was only 2 mo's old! So cute! So small! So orange! [Imagine cute, small, orange kitty picture here].
So, after some adjusting he and Grace get along famously now. We've even progressed to occasionally throwing ourselves under the dog and wrapping around the nearest paw, only to run off as fast as he can soon after.

Ok, guess that does it for the intro's. Hi ya'll!