Anyway, I get off topic. So getting there was a trip! I left school at 3:15 to haul a$$ to the other side of Houston to make it to Bush IA for a 6:45 flight out. Since I'd never been there I figured I needed to allow for plenty of time...and I got there with plenty of time to spare. Parking was easy, check-in was quick, I had enough time to buy a book and dinner and Reeses Pieces for later. Then we board the plane. Then we proceed to sit on the runway for 45 min. We did not LEAVE Houston until 7:45. An hour late!! I have a connecting flight!! Needless to say when I landed in Orange County they were paging me and about to leave and I had to literally RUN to the other end of the airport. Good thing it was a small one. I was the last one on the plane and they practically shut the door on my heels and took off!
Mom was supposed to land before me in Reno, but I get there and she isn't there, seems like she had an unplanned stop in Phoenix?! So I waited there for about 45 a car rented from the hott boy behind the desk (which was my total criteria for picking out the car rental place, I had no preference other than he was nice to look at!! and hey, I got a Garmin GPS for the car out of the deal!) heehee
Friday, Mom and I hit the yarn store and some antique places. We've both needed time to relax like this! It was a nice "fall break" for us. Mom, by the way, is looking fantastic! I hadn't seen her since her surgery and could tell a big difference in how she looks and moves. We hit the vendors at the Confrerence and picked up all this free stuff you see in our trunk!! Then Mom and I went to see the place where the Donner Party got stranded! It was almost to the day that they got snowed in by 28 ft. of snow and were eventually reduced to cannibalism to survive! The link is to more info on Wiki... Then we drove around the southern? edge of Lake Tahoe and back into Reno, which looks weird being that there is no grass on the ground! Just large piles of dirt...would be pretty if snow covered it all! Later that evening I made two airport trips to pick up first Esther and then Warren.

Friday evening and Saturday morning, was spent gathering stuff for our presentation and brainstorming before the acutal presenetation...which went rather well considering. Then we wrapped up the trip with a little gambling (Warren's whole reason for coming!) and all you can eat sushi! Yum!
We drove around the northern area of Lake Tahoe....and don't forget we hit a scrapbook store, too! lol It really was fun! I think we need to find a conference to go to on the off years when AASL doesn't have one. :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE Tahoe! So glad you were able to see it- next time you'll have to go boating and see their Shakespeare in the Park, actually Shakespeare on the Beach...
Glad you all had a lovely time-
Ha! Seriously! Well...I wasn't sure which side we were on, Northern or Southern...and I was too lazy to break out the map and look...
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