Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's time for a list...

I always think of things that I want to blog or think that I need to "talk" about, but then never get around to actually typing it here's a catch-up list of what's been going on since January!
1. Warren and I are completely addicted to WoW. For those of you not in the 'know' it is a huge online computer game with over 10 million players world-wide. Oh yeah, it stands for World of Warcraft and is cool because you get to create your own character down to the facial features, hair-color, race [elf, gnome, un-dead, human, orc, dwarf, tauren (which is like a cow)], profession, and skills. It is intense enough to have it's own wiki & helpful database. We li ke it because we can get online and play with his friends...the mode of play is that you complete different types of quests to level your character up (the highest is lvl 70) which is the most awesome because then you can basically run around and do what you want, but even when you get to the top level, then they style of gameplay changes and you do raids and other types of stuff that I don't know about because I'm only lvl 31. :-) Anyway, we like it and it's fun to play together, and don't worry Moms' it is not interferring with his studies!!

2. I didn't really make New Year's least not the usual "I'm going to exercise more, I'm going to eat healthy, I'm going to lose 5 lbs..." type that everyone always makes. But it has come about that I have started out on a better exercise plan with the new year...Angi (one of my co-workers) and I have started power walking nearly everyday after school and we've also started doing yoga twice a week. It makes such a huge difference for me to have a work-out buddy! Thanks Ang! So far so good...and my butt feels tighter :-)

3. About 3 weeks ago, my old computer began to have problems. Seriously. Like I would turn it on and could hear it come on, but nothing on the would take 5-6 tries and sometimes more, before my screen would finally show up. I got it in 2004, so I decided it was time for an upgrade (plus, I was a little jealous of W's ;-) So, here it *new* Sony Vaio: (from Best Buy of course...because we love BB!!)

I especially love its pearly whiteness and the new "bubbles" screensaver that comes with Vista. Vista isn't that crappy...(at least not yet) but it is rather different from XP...grrr...(and that is WoW that's on the screen btw).

4. I have a funny librarian story...yesterday as 5th grade was getting ready to leave (they are my last class and leave school from my room) there were a few that were hurrying to check out at the end and I wasn't behind the circ desk because I was hearding the rest of them out the one little boy decides he's going to do it himself. So he goes behind my desk, scans his library card, scans his books, click's 'ok', and then says, "Mrs. Worsham! I checked out!" Now, he is one of those that can have his 'moments' so I was like, "Hang on Joey and lemme check it!" So I did...and he was fine (hello! they watch me do it all the's not really that hard), but he was so proud of himself, it was all I could do to not giggle because when I told him, "Ok, you did it right, thanks..." he walked away from the circ desk and said, "YES, man that was soo cool! I'm going to be a librarian someday!!" HA...I may let him check the whole class out next week if he wants!! Lol!

And...I think that's pretty much it for now! We'll end with a cute animal picture :-)


kch said...

I'm sure that the game playing is good exercise (and diversion) for Warren!

Natalie Weaver said...

These photos are so flippin' cute!! They look like they should be on a funny greeting card. :) Miss you lots and lots-