Anyway, knocked that out and then met Mom in Sherman for a quick breakfast at Cracker Barrel and to transfer the animals to her care for a week or so (Thanks Mom!!).
On the road in Oklahoma, we came across our first thunderstorm...Warren got excited and thought it might be a tornado! Ha, I told him that it wasn't...I'd lived in the state all my life and hadn't seen a tornado yet!
We met Ray & Tricia for lunch at Eskimo Joe's in Stillwater. It was nice to get to visit with them and catch up. We came away with a yummie lunch and t-shirts (Thanks Ray!!). Warren was curious to go there and also wanted to see OSU, where I had gone to school and stuff. So we drove around campus and walked through a few buildings and a little bit around the town, not too much cause we did want to make it to Kansas!
We arrived at Esther & Bill's in Newton, KS (about 30 min. north of Wichita) right around dinner time and Bill was cooking a nice steak and some yummie roasted/grilled veggies. About the time we got there it had finally started to rain so we didn't get to eat on the patio! I miss going to their house, it was so relaxing on the river with the rain. Then we played a way cool game Esther had gotten from her sister who lives in Germany called Ticket to Ride (do an ebay search for it), which I will buy when I get home!! We finally crashed after intense gaming! Board gaming that is!
We loved having you. You're welcome back ANY time. Please know that there's always a place for you well as the option of pie and a game of Ticket to Ride!
Wait a minute, you've never actually seen a tornado?? That's bananas! P.S. A million congrats to Warren for passing!! A little less studying now?? More time to play? :) Love you, pretty girl!! xo
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