Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some News!!

Here is a posting direct from the website, someone finally got someone in now we kind of know what to expect inside our house...

"I live in Fish Village on Trout street and the news is not good. This is a very credible source. My landlord is a retired Galveston PD, so he used this to get onto the island today. He called me a couple of hours ago, while standing in my house on Trout, and told me that basically everything is ruined. Our house is about 2.5 to 3 feet off of the ground, and it still had around 18 inches of water in the inside! He told me that the smell is so bad that everything will have to be thrown away. He also said that the house is not liveable, and won't be for at least 6 months due to the flooding damages. This is basically all we know for now. I'm so sorry for everyone that has damages. I completely understand, my life was in that house!!!!"

Then I said:

"Hi we are on trout too...what is your house number? so we can kind of guestimate what our damage might be on 110."

Then he said:

"We are 107 trout. (the small yellow house) My landlord said that the whole road was pretty flooded. He said that from what he could see, he thought that every house had at least a foot of water. Even the ones that were raised. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!"

He posted this at 3:30-ish today so I'm thinking that this is standing water at this point.


Natalie Weaver said...

Oh my Kari-
I'm so sorry.

We'll all try to make a roadtrip sometime and help you clean up.

Anonymous said...

Kari and Warren-
Please know that we are all thinking of you up here in MA. At least you and Warren and the pets are safe. Keep us posted.

Jenn and Adam Roche

Anonymous said...

Hello Kari and Warren (knowing you from stories)
I'm with you all the time. It's horrible that you're involved by the hurricane. I hope everything works out and you'll turn back home real soon. How can I help you.
I promise you, you are always in my prayers before I go to bed. Love and hugs to you. Hold your head up high--- Alexandra