Last Thursday & Friday, I was called over to one of our closed elementary schools to help clean out the library part of the building for, I was told, so families who are camping in their field area to be able to move into the school to live. So I guess when FEMA housing runs out, then Alamo Elementary will be opening up to those already living in the field around it to move into.
Per the notes my friend took from a small meeting with the Super last week...she said:
1. Right now Burnet's building has been stablized as far as carpet, dehumidifying, and spraying (?)...maybe for mold?
2. We are losing enrollment.
3. They can't keep putting money into a building that they may not use in the future.
4. The middle schools, Central & Weis, are priority because of over-crowding.
5. January will start looking closer at enrollment numbers and March will have a better idea of if/which school will need to close (right now there are 3 elementary schools closed, two here in Galveston and the one on Bolivar).
6. A district-wide RIF is possible but wouldn't happen until March.
7. If they do RIF, they will look at first your certification, then PDAS, and finally tenure.
8. Scott & Burnet may close if enrollment doesn't rise (if it gets up to 6,000 then they may need to keep both).
9. They are as of now not going to let people back into the buildings to collect personal items.
10. Pre-paid legal says that if they keep denying people access then we can file suit for our items in small claims court.
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