Now...for his first trick...it is called The Disappearing Seaweed. This isn't just any trick now folks...the key is to apparate the seaweed out of the wicker basket on top of the 4 ft. high bar and have it reappear magically next to the dog bowl. The key to the trick is the dog bowl. It places full blame on the dog and grants our hero a clear conscience. (Of course the fact that the dog could in no way reach her 80 lb hiney to the top of a 4 ft. bar and delicately extract one item from a wicker basket so precariously placed is of no consequence.)
The seaweed should appear thus after trick is accomplished:
*note -- have tall, pretty, blond female assistant clean up random bits of seaweed and plastic bag on the ground before photographing for the world.
For his next trick The Great Pete will be performing the most fearsome trick of all...
*drum roll*
Cat Pulling Yarn Out of Butt !!!!!!
Yarn is to be completely unrolled and strewn about room for full effect! The secret to this trick is to have a cat yarn stash located somewhere in the house that no humans know about. Make them think they have ALL yarn put completely out of your reach and then, voila! Magic!
Yarn should be appropriately untangled...like so...
*note upon doing trick arrange it around the room for a most dramatic and crowd pleasing effect. Tall, pretty, blond female assistant can relocate it for photographing so as to get it all in one shot.
...and that concludes our entertainment for this evening folks.
Stay tuned for next time.
--Pete the Great Magic Cat
1 comment:
Giggling right out loud...
Oh Pete the Magic Cat! :)
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