I love making pie, even though I don't make them terribly often. I don't shortcut either...I always make my crusts, it's easy for one thing, and it just seems to taste better, in my opinion. I always make the crust from the Better Home's and Gardens cookbook that Gram gave me when I either went to college in Stillwater or got married (the first time)...hmmm...I can't remember, tho I think it was for college. She wrote Bon Appetit! in it and indeed it is my kitchen reference book.
I like the crust found on page 382...
1 1/4 c. all-purpose flour

I like the crust found on page 382...
1 1/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/3 c. shortening
4 to 5 T. cold water (I always put 5)
and that's it...oh yeah, in the fine print of the first step (if you like to read the directions) add a little bit of salt. Mix. Cut shortening and flour together. Add water. Knead.
This was for a single pie crust.
For a double pie crust make it 2 c. of flour, 2/3 c. shortening, and 7 T. of water. So not quite double the recipe.
Today I made a rhubarb pie. I had never had rhubarb (in anything much less pie) until I went to Esther's house (one of the most relaxing places I've been). Then every time after I went, I would secretly hope that she would make another one it was so good!
Today I made a rhubarb pie. I had never had rhubarb (in anything much less pie) until I went to Esther's house (one of the most relaxing places I've been). Then every time after I went, I would secretly hope that she would make another one it was so good!
Last spring when we had a recipe shower, she sent the pie recipe! Alas, there is never rhubarb in the grocery store! (Maybe people secretly line up and wait for the coveted rhubarb to be shipped in and placed on the store shelves so that they can snatch it away before I get there!)
Last week, there was rhubarb! 8 stalks...I bought 4, hoping desperately that it was enough to fill up a pie crust. I had no idea how much was needed and debated buying it all...but figured that 4 stalks about a foot long each (think of a really large red celery shape) would surely be enough to fill a pie crust.
Last week, there was rhubarb! 8 stalks...I bought 4, hoping desperately that it was enough to fill up a pie crust. I had no idea how much was needed and debated buying it all...but figured that 4 stalks about a foot long each (think of a really large red celery shape) would surely be enough to fill a pie crust.
I made it home with the 'barb and got out the recipe:
3 c. of rhubarb, cut in 1 in. pieces
1 egg
1/2 c. sugar
1 T. flour
1/2 c. milk & cream (half &half or a combo of whatever is available, even yogurt).
Hmm...do I cook the rhubarb?! pre-pie? I emailed Esther and she said, "no, just cut into one inch to half inch pieces and bake."
This sounds too easy.
So I made it...beat egg, add sugar, flour, milk/cream and mix until smooth. I had none of the alternatives listed and so used sour cream...it was the closest I had in the fridge and I thought if I used all milk it would be too runny. Add rhubarb and toss to coat. Make crust. Dump in pie shell. Bake at 400 until custard is set. Hmmm...that turned out to be 30-40 min. Warren saw it below before it went into the oven and said...
"What the hell is that?!"
"Rhubarb," I said.
"Is it good?" he asks...like I would make something bad...
"What the hell is that?!"
"Rhubarb," I said.
"Is it good?" he asks...like I would make something bad...
"When have I ever made you something that tastes bad?" I asked.
He retreated back to his studies.
He retreated back to his studies.
I rest my case.
Top with crumbs and bake about 10 min. more or until brown (crumb topping is...1/2 c. of sugar and 1/4 c. each of flour and butter, cut until crumbly w/ a pastry cutter). DO NOT use spreadable butter in place of the stick kind!! I learned my lesson...I thought about shortening instead but wanted a more buttery flavor...oh well, live and learn. Tho the pie looks edible, no? Also, Esther uses about a third of that topping and freezes the rest for other pies later. I however used it all b/c I like to have the top covered and was unsure how the spreadable butter would bake and wanted enough left on top to cover it. (I thought it might melt down into it...)
Well, about an hour ago he comes out of hiding and asks, "Can I have some pie now?" Lol.
Curiosity got the better of him...and I warned him that it is kind of tart and tangy...sort of sweet and sour. Just so he would know...
So we have some w/ vanilla ice cream and he eats the whole piece (and only made a face once, lol)and declares that he thinks he'll eat the rest of the pie and that I can't have anymore!
Ha! Like I would make bad food! :)
It did turn out really good despite the wrong butter in the crumbly top, which didn't turn out looking very crumbly. Oh well. Taste is all that matters.
Yum -- you just reminded me how much I like rhubarb! I think I might have to make a pie this evening. If you ever find rhubarb again but you don't have time to make pie, just wash & cut the rhubarb, place in a zip bag and freeze. Then when you're ready to bake, just thaw and use just as if it were fresh.
Awwww....Esther will be so proud!!
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