Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy Holidays!
Last week we had "Resiliency Training"...which was a code phrase for let's get some random people on our staff some therapy!! NOT kidding. Some of us were 'chosen' to attend the 'training' but all it was was a therapy session with a woman who was trying to play at being a psychic!! All I can say is, it was weird and she picked on people. I stopped making eye contact and quit participating. It was uncomfortable and sad to listen to another teacher who has been at Burnet for like 20 years talk about how it would hurt her if they close that school and she sat there and made this person say back to her, "It will not hurt me." Over and over!
Her psychic vision for me was that I'm supposed to get my Doctorate. After I had introduced myself and basically only said that I wasn't from here, was from north TX, we were affected by the hurricane because Warren and I were split up and not living in the same place, had to move, yadda yadda...she says so when are you going back to school? I said I already have my Masters. So then she says, no you are supposed to get your Doctorate, it's supposed to be Dr. and Dr. I'm like, I don't think so! I'm not going back to school for that...then it was why not...and she kept coming back to it...
Anyway, she picked on me about it, I didn't like it or her and it made me mad and I have to stop typing about it now because it's making me mad again! Who does she think she is? She doesn't know me!! I've already been through my own "resiliency training" it's called LIFE!!! GRRRR!!
1. Warren gets to do Internal Med. in Galveston starting in January!! His two classes after that are schedule for Dallas for now, but his director says it's a possibility that they could open up down here in the area.
2. Grace and Pete have settled into the apt. Grace has the routine down now and Pete is working on it. He had a hard time with it being new territory but he likes the windows and he likes trying to open ANY door or cabinet! I may have to get childproof locks for the cat! ha
3. Keep Aunt Lisa in your thoughts please, her surgery is scheduled for this Thursday. She is having her heart valve replaced.
4. I'm sooo glad I have only 2 days of school left! (I took off to come up for the surgery so I could be there).
5. I dislike unpacking. Who knew I had so much kitchen stuff! I am repacking some things to just store away in the extra closet. Tonight I'm going to try to tackle our closet and get everything hung up.
And...I think that's it for now. School is out :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Ugh, we marathon shopped too. I think we went to like 10 places and some of those were the same place, we just went twice!! We ended up going back to some to re-sit on the couch and then take a photo on our phones to remember what we'd looked at.
BUT long story short, we decided on the couch at RoomsToGo last night and a TV at Sears and we've looked at lots of stuff at Target & Wal-mart & IKEA that I'm not sure if we'll need until we unpack cause I'm not sure what kind of storage stuff we'll need in the apartment. Like an over the toilet type cabinet, or a closet shelf, or another dresser. I've no idea what kind of sheets made it or got tossed (but I did find a Tuesday Morning store last night)...random stuff like that.
Also, I am supposed to be getting our deposit back today from our landlords and we are going to sign the lease on the apartment today after school. Warren has been great getting on the phone to people to turn on electric, set up installations, etc. It has been nice to have him down here to do that stuff. Too bad he goes back and starts Family Med. on Monday! Lol, we had actually had that planned pre-Ike because it puts him in the Dallas area for the holidays already.
I am excited to move in! I'll be glad to sleep on a real matress! And get dressed without worrying about flashing anyone! (Luv u Mark! But tired of the air matress and wearing all the clothes!!).
It will be nice to have Grace and Pete move back in over Thanksgiving too...I miss them!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
2. We got to play with baby tigers that same weekend!! So CUTE!
3. I flew up for Halloween weekend and we carved pumpkins at Wanda's and spent the weekend at Mom's relaxing.
4. We heard from UTMB last weekend and they asked for Warren to rank the cities where he would like to start off starting in his top three are Galveston, Houston, and Dallas. Hopefully he will be able to maybe at least go back and forth between Houston and Galveston.
5. We also heard from our landlords on Saturday and she said they had nailed down a time frame with their contractor and he said it would be next spring. (Duh) So she said she needed to give us our deposit back so that we could find a place to live.
6. All of that spurred us to decide to move into an apartment. So we checked on Mark's apartment complex to see if they had anything open and they did. So I got an apartment this past week.
7. Our new address is: 3045 Marina Bay Drive, Apt. 14109, League City, TX 77573.
8. We get to move in next week! I think she said it will be ready on Wednesday of next week. Woohoo :)
9. I went to Ikea and repurchased our bedroom nightstands (thankyouthankyou to those of you who sent us some $$) and a few other things that I knew we threw a set of curtains and a new floor lamp, etc.
10. I also checked to see if they could replace our two bottom dresser drawers that got damaged and if they could order the spare parts or something. BUT they had it all right there in their parts department!! So I walked away with new drawers to put together for the bottom of our dresser!! FREE!! yay :)
& that's it for now because school is over and I've been writing this for like 4 hours now! lol
Friday, October 24, 2008
Date Night!
Tomorrow we are going to come down to Galveston to participate in early voting and then going to stop by Mall of the Mainlaind and play with some baby tigers! I'm excited! (I learned about it from the librarian at Parker, she went earlier this week.) Then we will go sit at a restaraunt somewhere to watch the Texas v. OSU football game! Go Pokes!
Also, I scheduled internet hookup for Mark's apt. for NOV. 4th!!!! It was their earliest appt.!!!!
K, later...gotta get ready for my date! Eek!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Also, another Burnet news article...
Yarn Goodness!!
Anyway, Linda and her super friends were all so sad about stinky Ike and wanted to help me rebuild my stash from the yarn I had lost. So a big Texas-sized THANK YOU to Linda, Beverly, Ann, Barbara, Peggy, Amy, Virginia, Laura, and Lianne and to Jolynn who is acutally here at Parker with me! Also, thanks so much to the businesses that helped them too...special thanks to Nancy of Knitting Under the Influence...who I could not find online but I did find a nice article about her here: . If you have a website or blog then comment me Nancy! And also special thanks to the owner of NimbleFingers a LYS in the Houston area that Jolynn goes too...she is at the following address: . Also if you have a website or blog comment me so I can save you and write more about you! I'll have to come for a visit!
Also, ya'll click on Crazy Aunt Purl over there on the side and enter to win the yarn & needles she is giving away!
Anyway, thank you thank you thank you so much for the wonderful yarns & needles that you all sent. It was so sweet of you all. Friend me on Ravelry at kareberrie & keep up with what I am some point I'll start adding more projects (cause I have more I'm working on than what is posted of course!) and more yarn!
THANKS, omg you all are so SWEET!!!
Edit: Yes, thanks for the reminder, Mom...THANK YOU also goes out to the Woolie Ewe in Plano, TX for the two sets of needles you donated to Mom when she went shopping there for me! :-)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I go to make cornbread yesterday during my stay-at-home sickness (I've had strep the past two days) and I'm at the point where I've got the egg and need to add 2/3 c. of milk and I go to get the measuring cup down wondering to myself if it has a small enough scale to even measure 2/3's with....
OMG, the lowest mark on it was a pint!!! Holy freakin' cow! Why do you need a measuring cup of this size for one person?!?! Maybe his mama sent it as a mixing bowl...cause it is ginormous...and send him a freaking measuring cup set, ok?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Roomate shenanigans!
Mark texted me about 9:45-ish and said for me to call him when I got to the apartment and he'd unlock the door for me. I was only about 15 minutes away so I thought that would be okay and there'd be no problem.
So, I get there and park and carry all my stuff up and had called and he hadn't answered. So I thought well maybe he got in the shower or something. When I got up the stairs though and called again and knocked, then I thought...omg...he's fallen asleep?!
So I call and call and send 3 text messages, but of course I know his phone is on vibrate b/c that is how it usually is...I call my mom and his mom and they remind me what a HEAVY sleeper Mark is...great.
So after banging on the door for about 30 minutes to no avail and scared that I'm going to wake the neighbors, I punch in hotels on the Garmin and go to the closest one (half mile away) and get a room for the night!
Yay hotels with availability! Boo for not being FEMA approved!
Fun and excitement...Mark of course felt horrible when he woke up around 11:40 pm and realized that I was not there and of course read my texts that were telling him to open the door! I had put my phone on silent b/c I wanted to sleep without being woken up by a panicky roomate and we chatted the next morning. No harm, no foul.
Burnet News Article
Also, some of you have asked me what our enrollment is running, this was in an email from the Super this morning:
Since GISD’s reopening on Tuesday, Oct. 7 when slightly more than 4,450 students returned to eight of 12 Galveston ISD schools, enrollment has grown by more than 900 students and is now at 78% of the first day 2008-2009 enrollment.
The number of students returning when school reopened was nearly 65% of the enrolled students (6876) who reported on the first day of school in August. While enrollment numbers are not finalized until Oct. 31 each school year, the beginning enrollment was similar from 2007 to 2008.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Last week when the list I posted yesterday was told to us, it instantly killed any kind of work ethic I had going. If my school isn't opened up then why should I try to solicit donations of books and materials? If there is going to be a RIF, then why should I spend any time or effort on my job to filling out disaster relief forms for the library? Besides all that, what about UTMB? Will we even be living here come January?
I searched the 7 school districts north of Galveston that wouldn't be too far of a drive for job postings...but everyone has a full staff at this point.
Austin has one elementary librarian position open and 3 children's librarian openings in the public library system. Maybe moving wouldn't be so bad.
My body is so stressed from all of this that I missed my monthly last month, which I NEVER have ever had happen...but no worries I started yesterday. lol
I'm just tired. Tired of it all. Tired of seeing it; tired of smelling it (no kidding, it stinks still); tired of being here; tired of being in someone else's space both as a job and living arrangement. (For those of you who don't know, Warren is in our FEMA hotel and wrapping up surgery this week, and I am living in Mark's dining room on his air matress in his apartment). At this point, all I do is show up and get paid and at least there is some security in that. But I really just want to walk away, walk away and not come back. Thank God I don't have to deal with insurance people, although we still haven't gotten any money that I know of from FEMA so we are probably going to have to re-file or do another claim or something.
K, I'm going to go drive by my school that I'm contemplating breaking & entering to steal MY OWN THINGS back from. Then will drop some cat food off at the humane society and go drink half a bottle of wine & go to sleep.
Oh, & p.s. I have no internet at the apartment now, the network we were using secured themselves.
Monday, October 13, 2008
GISD Update...
Per the notes my friend took from a small meeting with the Super last week...she said:
1. Right now Burnet's building has been stablized as far as carpet, dehumidifying, and spraying (?)...maybe for mold?
2. We are losing enrollment.
3. They can't keep putting money into a building that they may not use in the future.
4. The middle schools, Central & Weis, are priority because of over-crowding.
5. January will start looking closer at enrollment numbers and March will have a better idea of if/which school will need to close (right now there are 3 elementary schools closed, two here in Galveston and the one on Bolivar).
6. A district-wide RIF is possible but wouldn't happen until March.
7. If they do RIF, they will look at first your certification, then PDAS, and finally tenure.
8. Scott & Burnet may close if enrollment doesn't rise (if it gets up to 6,000 then they may need to keep both).
9. They are as of now not going to let people back into the buildings to collect personal items.
10. Pre-paid legal says that if they keep denying people access then we can file suit for our items in small claims court.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Note from Mom:
Living in Limbo...
In other the article entitled, "UTMB avoids massive round of layoffs" here: . This worries me. It sounds very ambiguous about if the med school will return?! We could end up in Austin. Time will tell I sounds like the director is supportive of keeping the school here, but unless they find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and some patients to start rounding on...who knows? Warren is still hearing that they will more than likely start back in January after December break, which is what we had been thinking all along.
There is a rumor that can neither be confirmed nor denied by Warren's UTMB director-man of a 30 ft. alligator running around in UTMB. Eek!Our landlords are making progress on housing renovations, they got out the flooring and are getting new sub-flooring in already as well as making other little changes too. We'll see. Apparently plumbing is too much to add the W/D inside the house, but building a walkway and carport to have a covered walking area isn't. She is also looking at enclosing the deck, putting in darker wood (or some type of wood-like, pet friendly flooring), putting french doors in the dining room and closing off the kitchen door and putting the fridge there w/ more cabinetry, and an island. Cool! I hope all that pans out :-) Maybe we can move back in over Thanksgiving. Anyone wanna bring down their turkey fryer and some blow-up matresses?! We can have a moving in party for Thanksgiving! lol
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Refugee Update:
1. We arrived Wed. at Mark's apt. Thank goodness he had just moved to League City. I don't know what I would have done without him. Thank you Mark for opening up your home to us so we would have a place to live while we cleaned out our house! Unfortunately he did not have an internet connection (He'd JUST moved in!) so no blog updates while we were there.
2. It took us 5 days to clean out the house. Wed. thru Sun. all day everyday.
3. Anything salvagable was moved to a storage 1 mile from Mark's apt. Thank you Natalie for finding the storage!! & a free month's rent on it too! Yay! Thanks!
4. Salvagable items are things that are wooden (like kitchen table, bed frame, etc.) and things that were higher than knee deep (like pictures on the walls, some books, hanging clothes, dishes, etc.).
5. I threw away ALL bedding on the beds including matresses. (Still kinda pissed about that, had just bought a nice, new queen matress in our bedroom in July).
6. We duct taped the fridge and thank God a truckload of Mexicans drove by on that first day when we were so overwhelmed and I hired them out for $150 to move out all the large ruined items, like fridge, matresses, entertainment center, couch, chair, washer, dryer, etc. and other things too that we loaded to storage like TV's (dunno about those, they were above water line, but the cords were submerged) bookcases, bedframes, etc. Those guys were a blessing and a HUGE help!
7. Mosquitoes were the largest I've seen since Alaska. Hummingbird size! Lol
8. FEMA lady came and did a walkthrough and the paper work for us to get assistance. Asking what did we lose in each room, etc. She said we would get monetary assistance but she just did the ground work and submitted the paperwork; she was not in charge of approving money. We should get a deposit within 7 to 10 days from Friday (I think that's when she came, it is all a blur now).
9. Warren was able to come down on Thursday to help clean. His butt is draggin from working 13+ hour days on the stupid surgery rotation that A&M has it's student do.
10. I've done laundry for the past two days from 10 am to like 3pm. So far I've done about 48 loads. Yesterday I did about 30ish but it was alot of re-washing things, like first cycle in ammonia, next in detergent+borax, then I inspected each piece and if it needed to go again I'd make a new pile/load and if it didn't then I'd go ahead and dry it. So far, I've only thrown away a little less than a large trashcan full of clothes. I've taken a little bit to the cleaners too. So far I've gone through about $65 in quarters! I have a little bit more to wash tomorrow and that should wrap it up. Then I need to hose out the car! Stinky!
11. I'm sure our hotel housekeeper is wondering what the hell we are doing in here! Lol, each day has added new things this week. First a fish, then a plant and large black trashbags (full of washed clothes), then our entire wine fridge collection is sitting in a chair, now two more plants, and many many more trashbags full of washed clothes. HA!
I'll stop for now, but I do have more stories to tell about our week the looting Mexicans, so stay tuned!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Dear GISD Employees,
We want you to know that we are working diligently to restore our schools for your return. Each and every day we are meeting to receive the latest updates from Arnold Proctor and Fred Niccum about the conditions of our facilities. Additionally, we are attending all of the meetings with city and county officials, as well as, many other key people that are working around the clock to restore the infrastructure and city services to our Galveston community.
Report on the Conditions of Our Facilities/Campuses
The five campuses most adversely affected by Hurricane Ike were Ball High, Central, Scott, Burnet and San Jacinto, mostly due to flood and water damage. We continue to inspect our facilities daily and the reports seem to change as quickly as I can report/update the conditions. At the present time, the District has retained outside contractors that have access to heavy equipment and generators to come in and begin work on our most severely damaged buildings first. The majority of our campuses will be repaired and cleaned within the next 3 days; however, Ball, Central, Scott, San Jacinto, and Burnet will need some additional repair time. As soon as we are able, the HVAC systems will be checked for viability of operation. The number one goal of the entire clean up/restoration process is to dehumidify all of our buildings and keep them dry. GISD wants our facilities/campuses to be ready to go when the power and water come on line, whenever that might be. The GISD Transportation Center experienced high water levels on the west end of the island and plans are underway to evaluate the entire fleet. Seven of our school buses are continuing to assist the city of Galveston. Additionally, the Sheriff’s Department/Fire Emergency Response Services and the Department of Public Safety are using the Crenshaw campus on the Bolivar Peninsula as an Emergency Command Post. The Galveston Independent School District continues to partner with the city and county to lend a hand whenever we are asked to assist during this disaster aftermath recovery phase.
The following conditions need to be up and running before the District will be able to consider opening our schools:
· Safety -- Our facilities must have fully functioning (electricity, water supply, sewer, natural gas)
· Transportation
· Food Supplies
· Support Services (technology)
· Return of our Staff Members – - We are attempting to poll our staff members to see how many will be able to return to work between September 29th and October 3rd.
Please e-mail to report your individual status!
Please state:
Your name
Assigned Campus
Grade Level/subject you teach
Job Assignment (non-teaching staff)
Presently, we will continue to work on the restoration and dehumidifying of our facilities. We are meeting daily to come up with the best plan possible for our children to return to GISD. We must consider safety first and we are continuing to partner with the City of Galveston as they work to bring our island back. We would like to aim for the target date of October 6th as our starting date to reopen the District; however, let me be very clear this is a TARGET DATE ONLY. Certainly this date is contingent on the city of Galveston being able to have the entire infrastructure functioning and working properly.
Communications Update
Currently, we have large generators set up at the District Support Center and our data systems and servers are functioning and we now have our GISD e-mail or system in place.
Additionally, the district Website is fully functional. Please go to to read the most current updates available, as we proceed with our plans to reopen our schools.
Also, the phone system at the District Support Center (409) 766-5100 is working and we plan to update the recorded message on a regular basis (English and Spanish). Please feel free to call in for the most up-to-date information. We want to keep you informed and we will share as much information as we possibly can…
If you have not been able to return to the Island since Hurricane Ike and you plan to come back to the Island on Wednesday, September, 24th we plan to have staff members present at the re-entry point to distribute a GISD informational flyer along with other information that will be distributed by the City of Galveston.
I hope to see all of our GISD family soon!"
Sunday, September 21, 2008
DO NOT go to Houston or Beaumont!!!!
I'm thinking, OMG!, I don't have a choice! I MUST go! I want my stuff! If there's any left!
We had fun keeping Olivia yesterday and enjoyed the Plano Balloon Festival. I would post pictures of it but I'm really tired and worn-out and don't really feel like messing with it. Eventually I'll put a slideshow on my MySpace, b/c I'll need to clean off my xD card to take a zillion pictures this coming week.
Here is the new plan...We are currently in Temple, TX...on I-35 between Waco and Austin staying at the Hampton Inn & Suites. We have a double bed room, all that was available. We went and bought a tiny fridge for the room, none of those rooms were open either. Warren begins/finishes out his surgery roation here which begins tomorrow, 8 a.m. & will go for 4 weeks.
Wednesday the island opens up again.
I'm rounding up Mom & Aunt Lisa & Lori to go invade on Wednesday. Mom & I will go stay with cousins Cheryl & Mark who live in Houston area. L&L will come down later...maybe Thursday after we assess the damage. We will try to take out all the stuff (good or bad). I talked to my landlord today and she is hot to trot to begin repair work on our house. She was concerned if we would be returning to Galveston! I told her that Warren would be up here for a while, but that I would be back whenever GISD decided to open the doors and would therefore need a place to stay. She is thinking she will have our house whipped back into shape in 3-4 weeks. I think that would be a mircle in itself! We'll see if that happens.
Tomorrow I have to deal with getting a brake light fixed, a minor amount of laundry (Wanda washed almost all, but I want to wash what we wore yesterday and a few things that I hadn't sorted out for her to wash) and file a claim with State Farm because my passenger side mirror on my car got smacked off my some damn politician sign that flew out of a U-Haul today driving down the road!! Just one more thing to deal with! Like I have time for that! Grrr...
I guess that's all for now, Warren is enthralled by the Cowboys game and I am getting sleepy...thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and for any items that you contributed to us for the clean up of our home!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Today's Info...
GISD has the following news article on The Galveston County Daily News:
I have finally had a posting from the prinicpal via the secretary on:
She said, "I'm sending this message on behalf of Ms. Wiley. I spoke to her yesterday and she is well. Her regards to everyone and hopes everyone is fairing well through this ordeal. She asked that I share the following information with you: 1. PAYROLL- Direct Deposits will go out on time. No Checks will be mailed out! GISD will have a check distribution setup on Sept. 25th at the LaMarque Walmart from 8:00a.m.-12:00noon (this is ONLY for those who DO NOT have Direct Deposit). If you are not able to go to this location please email Elsie Schiro (Business Dept.) at let her know where you need your check mailed. Payroll corrections will be handled at a later date. We have not had many subs but if you see anyone that does sub please let them know about the check pickup location. 2. Several Galveston families are in shelters in Austin and San Antonio. Spread the word that they should be enrolled in that district (temporary). 3. Building status is stated on this webpage-please read. 4. Once cleared to report to school, we will go straight into work mode; making sure classrooms are ready and operable for students return. Ms. Wiley requested facilities place all teacher items in an area to be checked through before discarding. We will see what happened. 5. All CPU's should have been on tables. NO ONE should have had them on the floor since MIS came through to check they were off the floor; but if you moved them, then they are ruined. 6. TEA signed a 10 day waiver for days missed. WHEW!!! I have read everyone's comments and just feel numb. Take care everyone. I'm ready to get back. I have my boots and gloves and God will give me the strength. Syl".
Thursday, September 18, 2008
News, finally...
So, we may be relocating to Temple, TX where he can finish up his surgery rotation. He did have the option to take an Incomplete but he doesn't want to lose time on graduation. I am torn between going with him (GISD said that payroll will still be posting to our bank accounts) and staying and subbing in school districts that I am familiar with (Sam Rayburn, Bonham, Whitewright) not to mention connections at each one.
We will look into FEMA housing/hotel in Temple tomorrow.
Please keep Vickie and her family in your prayers, her dad passed away this past weekend and we are going to the funeral later today.
Warren has no word yet from UTMB on placement. We are hoping to hear something soon.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Just Kidding!
Into the debris....
Monday, September 15, 2008
Also if you think of anything that isn't on the list please comment it.
Here's the list...(Thank you Aunt Lisa for the wonderful list you and Aunt Lori brainstormed!!)
U-haul (checking on it tomorrow)
Storage (checking on storage in Bonham tomorrow)
Shots (I need a tetnus shot, will go tomorrow, and am thinking will get a maleria shot as well)
Generator (Twila)
Ice chests (Aunt Lisa)
Shop-vac (Aunt Lisa and Uncle Steve)
Gas cans & gas (Lisa-1, Mom-1)
Water, for drinking and cleaning (Lisa has 2 gal. collapsible container & 5 gal. non-collapsible)
Coleman stove (Lisa)
Propane for stove (Lisa)
Fans (Lisa has two, Mom has two)
Tools, like axe, pry bar - in case door is swollen and won't open, chain saw - case of tree limbs (Lisa)
Extension cords (Lisa, Mom-2)
Buckets (Lisa, Mom-2)
Rags (Mom)
Paper towels
Gloves (need leather & rubber)
1st Aid kit (Warren, it is in his cool F.J. Cruiser that came with a first aid kit inside!)
Rubber boots (Lynn for me, need for Warren)
Face masks (Mom)
Hand sanitizer (Mom)
Trash bags (Mom-1 box)
Trash can
Boxes or RubberMaid tubs
Packing tape (Mom has 1 duct tape, but we will need more)
We have a lot of carboard boxes that we think are high enough up in our storage that might be fine.
We also have a friend who owns a Taco Bell and he will begin saving all boxes so we will have lots.
Lori said we can probably save our mower & weed eater, just don't pull the cord on them.
NOAA Satellite Images!!!
My school has lots and lots of damage. :( The roof is very very bad.
Here is the link for our house: We are 4 streets from the ferry and then looking from the left of that street we are the 3rd house, the one with all the white siding laying around the yard. yay no roof damage!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Some News!!
"I live in Fish Village on Trout street and the news is not good. This is a very credible source. My landlord is a retired Galveston PD, so he used this to get onto the island today. He called me a couple of hours ago, while standing in my house on Trout, and told me that basically everything is ruined. Our house is about 2.5 to 3 feet off of the ground, and it still had around 18 inches of water in the inside! He told me that the smell is so bad that everything will have to be thrown away. He also said that the house is not liveable, and won't be for at least 6 months due to the flooding damages. This is basically all we know for now. I'm so sorry for everyone that has damages. I completely understand, my life was in that house!!!!"
Then I said:
"Hi we are on trout too...what is your house number? so we can kind of guestimate what our damage might be on 110."
Then he said:
"We are 107 trout. (the small yellow house) My landlord said that the whole road was pretty flooded. He said that from what he could see, he thought that every house had at least a foot of water. Even the ones that were raised. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!"
He posted this at 3:30-ish today so I'm thinking that this is standing water at this point.
I've also read from people that the fish village area of town, where we live, had roughly 2-3 feet of flooding, if that is so then our house may actually be dry. It sits 3 feet off the ground already. I hope and yet I also think it may all have washed away or at least may be so wet as to be ruined. There is also a rumor that two streets in fish village did not flood, but I still haven't gotten a report on which ones didn't or if that is true.
We do have access to many shop vac's and a couple of kayaks if needed. :-)
Also, we do have some furniture in storage both in Bonham and Allen, I may kick Jake out of his bedroom suit and make Lynn get him is own and take mine back! lol Actually I wouldn't, this was part of the reason I didn't take it to Galveston and loaned it out to him. We have an extra washer and dryer in storage. We are possibly looking at replacing a fridge (unless his mom gets herself a new one, we may use her 1968 vintage fridge), living room furniture (some), TV's, beds/matresses?, and various other smaller type furniture items. Clothes I'm hoping can be washed and won't be ruined, although if they sit there for days some of them may get mildew-y.
There is no news from GISD or UTMB as far as school goes. UTMB is posting how things are going at the hospital but no one has thought yet about the med school and what to do with it.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Leaving Galveston...
Last night's late update...
Memorandum for Superintendent
Subject: Hurricane Ike Update 6
From: Arnold Proctor
Date: September 11, 2008
Superintendent Cleveland, John Mathis, and I participated in the 9:30 PM statewide emergency preparedness telephone conference this evening. The Emergency Preparedness Center Jack Colley announced that we are now at H-14. Fourteen hours before arrival of tropical force winds. Focus is now on key and essential things to save lives.
The National Weather Service announced that the storm is moving WNW at 12 miles per hour. It is currently 370 miles south east of Galveston. Ike is still expected to strengthen to a category 3 in the next 24 hours. Landfall is expected just west of Galveston Bay. Hurricane winds extend out 125 miles to the right of the storm and 150 miles to the west of the storm. Tropical force winds are expected to reach Galveston at 9:00 AM tomorrow morning. The storm surge is expected to reach 15 to 20 feet along the coast and 15 to 23 feet in Galveston Bay. Rains will begin mid day tomorrow with the heaviest rain from 7 PM Friday to 7 PM Saturday.
State is now concerned about storm surge affecting Port Arthur and up. They expect three to six feet of water in the city of Port Arthur with flooding up to Beaumont.
There will continue to be telephone updates at 10:30 AM , 4:30 PM and 9:30 PM daily through landfall Friday night. I will keep you informed as we know more.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Live Webcam of Ike!!!
Latest update via GISD --
Memorandum for Superintendent
Subject: Hurricane Ike Update 5
From: Arnold Proctor
Date: September 11, 2008
Superintendent Cleveland, Don Roy, John Mathis, and I participated in a statewide emergency preparedness telephone conference this afternoon. The Emergency Preparedness Center Jack Colley announced that Ike continues to move along the same track as a Category 2 but has moved more to the right and is now expected to make landfall just west of Galveston. The wind field extends out 275 miles. Expect a severe threat due to surge. The state is anticipating 14 foot surge along the coast and up to 20 feet in bays and bayous.
The state continues to concentrate on evacuation of special needs citizens. The focus is now on Chambers, Jefferson, and Orange counties. UTMB evacuation is well underway. There are a large number of home health care patients. The state is working with local officials to ensure that no home health care patient is left behind. The state operations center will remain operational throughout the event.
The National Weather Service announced that the storm is a typical symmetrical shaped storm. It is currently a Category 2 with sustained winds of 100 mph. Winds do extend out 275 miles at tropical storm strength. Hurricane force winds are extending out 150 miles. It is expected to make landfall in the predawn hours west of Galveston as a Category 3 storm. There is dry air in the western Gulf that is helping to hold down the strengthening of the storm. The steering currents have not changed. The storm is moving WNW at 10 mph. The storm will track north over east Texas following landfall. Expect tree and power line damage and extensive mobile home park damage. Rainfall is expected to be between 5 and 10 inches throughout the area with some pockets of rainfall up to 15 inches.
There will continue to be telephone updates at 10:30 AM , 4:30 PM and 9:30 PM daily through landfall Friday night. I will keep you informed as we know more.
Memo --
Memorandum for Superintendent
Subject: Hurricane Ike Update 4
From: Arnold Proctor
Date: September 11, 2008
Superintendent Cleveland, Don Roy, John Mathis, Chief Amador, Officer Brown, and I participated in a statewide emergency preparedness telephone conference this morning. The Emergency Preparedness Center Jack Colley announced that Ike continues to move toward the Texas coast with landfall still predicted along the Brazoria/Matagorda line. Preparation is being made for Freeport to Beaumont/Port Arthur landfall.
Nearly 12,000 special needs citizens have been evacuated already. UTMB evacuation is ongoing now. 600 buses were moved into the Harris County/Galveston County staging areas overnight. The entire statewide shelter system is activated. Six C-130 aircraft are activated this morning and will fly as long as weather conditions permit.
He stated that we cannot overstate the need to keep fuel tanks full.
Twenty five counties are already declared disaster areas by President Bush. More will be added.
The National Weather Service announced that the storm is holding a fairly steady course with the bull’s eye still along the Brazoria/Matagorda line. Ike is a very large storm extending out 275 miles from the eye. There is still a tug of war between the high pressure over the southeast US and the low pressure over the mid-west. Strengthening or weakening of either would impact the direction of the storm. The storm is still over 400 miles away. The storm now is showing 100mph winds with gusts to 120 mph moving WNW at 10 mph. The storm surge is expected to be a Category 4. Tide is now 2-4 feet above normal. Surges up to 20 feet are expected at Galveston.
Mayor Thomas has called for mandatory evacuation of the entire Galveston Island as of this morning.
The storm should exit Texas to the northeast sometime Sunday.
There will continue to be telephone updates at 10:30 AM , 4:30 PM and 9:30 PM daily through landfall Friday night. I will keep you informed as we know more.
Hurricane Ike
We are safely away, we left last night at 9pm and made it to Dallas at 2 am this morning.
I left school thinking today was going to be an early release day and did NOTHING to cover stuff in my library then at 6 pm I got a call out that school was closed today and tomorrow. Yay! Oh well, if it's bad enough it will blow away anyways. So sad, I was so happy for my new carpet! And I had just unloaded my new books! :( My principal called at 7 this morning looking for the rolls of plastic that I went and bought two weekends ago. Lol, I was asleep!
Warren came home at 5:30 thinking he was going to have to work some today, then he left for a meeting and came back and said he didn't have to go in at all.
So we ran around outside and stuffed grill, smoker, chairs, table, etc into the garage and nailed up our one piece of plywood (Thank God for storm windows on our whole house!!) to cover the backdoor window. Then packed clothes and the animals...I had already had some stuff packed from the last time or pictures, photo CDs, yarn...Warren threw in his autographed George Bush baseball, we loaded computers, the safe, all gaming devices (we were thinking looters) and headed for Dallas!
We thought we might just get to the north side of Houston and spend the night, but when I heard that the eye is going to loop around and Houston would get bad wind and rain we kept driving. I knew that would hit the 10'o clock news and people would start leaving. Traffic was a steady stream most of the way to Corsicana (which is about 30-45 min south of Dallas). We saw many cars with gas cans strapped to the roofs of their cars and lots of motorcoaches that probably had elderly from senior centers and such places. As tired as I was driving, I am so glad we left last night.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Go to their link to keep up with what they are telling their students and faculty.
Also, at some point I will catch the blog up! lol
And go to for great maps of what is going on w/ Gustav.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Road Trip: Day 4
Ok so...we went from sea level to 14,100 ft. We definitely noticed! While neither of us got silly enough for an EMT; we did fortify ourselves as soon as we got there with some cocoa and doughnuts. OMG! The best doughnuts EVER! has something to do with the altitude I think. Go sometime if you haven't...just for the doughnuts. :-)
Then once we rode back down the mountain, we were starving and promptly found some mexican food. Lol. And called and rescheduled another night at our campground, only this time Warren needed a cabin...because by the time our next activity would end it would be too late to leave we headed off to...
...a trail ride through Garden of the Gods!! I was able to talk Warren into a 2 hr ride. Yes! I was so excited because of course 1 hr is just not long barely get up on the horse long enough to get anywhere! and hey, I'm liking this whole slide show thingy! yea! more pictures!
This was Warren's first time on a horse. heh. But he did really well, his horse even stumbled once and our trail ride captain told him he had a nice recovery. (In other words, good job not falling off!ha). He said he had fun and would do it again! yay!
After all that, we were tired and went and crashed in our cabin. KOA even had pizza delivery!! On a golf cart! ha! We finished the movie we watched part of the night before and promptly fell asleep.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Road Trip: Day 3
I'm trying out a slideshow?! Hope it works!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Road Trip: Day 2
Anyway, knocked that out and then met Mom in Sherman for a quick breakfast at Cracker Barrel and to transfer the animals to her care for a week or so (Thanks Mom!!).
On the road in Oklahoma, we came across our first thunderstorm...Warren got excited and thought it might be a tornado! Ha, I told him that it wasn't...I'd lived in the state all my life and hadn't seen a tornado yet!
We met Ray & Tricia for lunch at Eskimo Joe's in Stillwater. It was nice to get to visit with them and catch up. We came away with a yummie lunch and t-shirts (Thanks Ray!!). Warren was curious to go there and also wanted to see OSU, where I had gone to school and stuff. So we drove around campus and walked through a few buildings and a little bit around the town, not too much cause we did want to make it to Kansas!
We arrived at Esther & Bill's in Newton, KS (about 30 min. north of Wichita) right around dinner time and Bill was cooking a nice steak and some yummie roasted/grilled veggies. About the time we got there it had finally started to rain so we didn't get to eat on the patio! I miss going to their house, it was so relaxing on the river with the rain. Then we played a way cool game Esther had gotten from her sister who lives in Germany called Ticket to Ride (do an ebay search for it), which I will buy when I get home!! We finally crashed after intense gaming! Board gaming that is!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Road Trip: Day 1
The Arthur's boat came in an hour late, so we didn't get them until about 10:30am, leaving that late makes Wanda's house the perfect first stop!
It was also nice to stop there for the night because we went to dinner with our friend Brian (the best man) and catch up on all that is going on with him and discuss important WoW strategies. :D
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Let the fun begin!
We have also decided that maybe a roadtrip is in order?! Lynn & Steve & kids are on a cruise so we can't go until Monday but I think we may leave out when they do and drive either towards Colorado/New Mexico loop or a deep south loop to Florida and back.
Hmmm...I think the animals may need to go stay with a "grandparent". ha
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Antiques Roadshow!
And then there are the random people with their random items...
I mean how tall is that chair?!?! And the next one!! OMG!! Those are the kitchen chairs Warren and I have right now (thanks Allison) do they really think they are antique enough to bring to Antiques Roadshow?!?
But that's not all...even the white trash people showed up...
Tattoo woman on the left had on a cute black plaid dress...with brown boots! Sooo wrong! But the better to show off her tat's I guess, & she had a nose ring and the front half of her hair was blonde...all that with her kid in a stroller. Then there was old pink hair lady. I think she was trying to get noticed. Ew.
By the time we had stared at everyone and their items for a couple of hours and chatted up the people in line next to us, we finally make it to the entry way. And the pictures stop here because no photos past that point.
When you reach the head of the line, there are six "sorting" tables that you can go to. The line attendant lady will give you tickets for each item you have (two items per person) that tells you what kind of appraiser line you need to wait in. I had an item for decorative arts - I took the mother-of-pearl opera glasses that I bought in Rome - and an item for the jewelry section - Lori had a cameo of her mother's (grandmother's?) that I took for her.
Then you enter the area where they actually do the filming part of the show, which in reality it is very small! It always looks so large when you are watching it on T.V. but they have their camera crew set up in the middle with three areas (left side, front, and right side) with the black covered tables like you see on the show that they prep and then just swing the camera around to film whichever section is ready. They just sort of rotate between each platform/table.
None of our stuff got chosen for filming but we will be in the background of a few items! We were waiting in line for appraisals on what we took. Our totals turned out to be the following:
collection of four carved ivory items - about $150 to $175 apiece totaling $600-$700 for the set
collection of ceramic (?) baby dolls - about $15 to $20 each...I can't remember how many there were so not sure of her total...
cameo necklace - about $50
mother-of-pearl opera glasses - about $125-$175
Our "show" will air sometime next year bewteen January and May. ha We may have forgotten by then!
Are you a rotten neighbor?!
Fortunately we aren't listed either way, ha!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Blueberries Rock!
It was perfect. We were the only ones was cool...the sun was just rising...the cows were mooing in the nearby pasture...birds were chirping...and blueberries were everywhere!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
'Driving' me crazy!
So Friday we drove up to Wilburton for the funeral at 2 pm
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I love pie...
I like the crust found on page 382...
1 1/4 c. all-purpose flour
Today I made a rhubarb pie. I had never had rhubarb (in anything much less pie) until I went to Esther's house (one of the most relaxing places I've been). Then every time after I went, I would secretly hope that she would make another one it was so good!
Last week, there was rhubarb! 8 stalks...I bought 4, hoping desperately that it was enough to fill up a pie crust. I had no idea how much was needed and debated buying it all...but figured that 4 stalks about a foot long each (think of a really large red celery shape) would surely be enough to fill a pie crust.
"What the hell is that?!"
"Rhubarb," I said.
"Is it good?" he I would make something bad...
He retreated back to his studies.
Well, about an hour ago he comes out of hiding and asks, "Can I have some pie now?" Lol.
Curiosity got the better of him...and I warned him that it is kind of tart and tangy...sort of sweet and sour. Just so he would know...
So we have some w/ vanilla ice cream and he eats the whole piece (and only made a face once, lol)and declares that he thinks he'll eat the rest of the pie and that I can't have anymore!
Ha! Like I would make bad food! :)
It did turn out really good despite the wrong butter in the crumbly top, which didn't turn out looking very crumbly. Oh well. Taste is all that matters.
Garden Pictures!
Anyway, Mom requested some pic's of our gardening adventures here is some before and after herb garden pics...
I should have watered so it would look all pretty in the picture. The oregano and cilantro are thriving! The cilantro gets bigger the hotter and dryer it is! It is starting to bloom and from that I will get corriander (I think the flower seeds are called that). It is overshadowing the dill, which I hope will just flower and come back up next is sparse.
Here they are just planted...with the kitty and a bit of door frame thrown in for some perspective.
I think maybe it had just rained!
This is sooo much dryer than last summer. Last June we had afternoon showers and rain at least once a week. It's rained maybe twice so far since
Here they are now...with some door frame for perspective. They are at least chin height (the viney ones on the left). They make the sweet 100's...small cherry type. Mmmm...we've had 4 so far! And there are lot's more on there that I hope will start turning red at the same time! Instead of one at a time! Lol...the other two are patio tomatoes and are a little bit bigger..about the size of roma's. They have lots of green ones too. Must be the tomato miracle grow!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Downward dog...
I've been going to the Methodist church where a guy is doing yoga 3 days a week at 6pm...since...January I think and I love it. His prices are way low compared to a studio only $6 per session or $45 for 8 sessions...WAY cheaper than the yoga studio link I have on the side, but he is also a teacher there so I leave there link on. During school I've only gone 1/week sometimes twice, but I think I'll step it up this summer and go whenever he is there or I am home. It is very casual and relaxed and it doesn't matter if you've ever done yoga or not.
One of my teacher friends from school goes with me, Angi...we also walked after school during the year, but now we are adding it to walking after yoga! OMG! So last night was our first and it felt nice to stretch and get some exercise. We walked about 30-45 min. after an hour of yoga. I took Grace so she could walk afterwards with us and her tongue was draggin by the time we were done! But the nice part was there is a hose and dog bowl on our route around the block...someone obviously walks their dog that way too! How thoughtful :)
Per Mom's request I will take some more pic's of our garden and tomato plants and you can see before and after pic's tomorrow...later!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Summer updates...
My first week off started with a run up home to see Lindsey graduate high school. Go Linds! Her graduation was much shorter and less tearful than Ashley's for some reason. Maybe cause Ashley was first we were all a little misty eyed, but for Linds we were more just excited. Woohoo!
ALSO...yesterday as I was cleaning through the mail (cause we tend to let it stack at times...I'm bad about not going through it and Warren can't throw any of it away!) I got TICKETS to ANTIQUES ROADSHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! June 28th in Dallas, and you can only take TWO things. Gad. That's a major dilemma.
Around the house, we planted an herb garden this spring along with potting several tomato plants and peppers...all the stuff to make salsa! ha Yesterday, I picked our first tomato, the only sad thing is it's one of the small sweet 100s (like a little cherry tomato) and we may have to slice it in half in order for us to both have a taste of the first tomato. I also planted some patio ones and they are surprisingly bigger than expected. Could be the miracle grow. :-) The jalapeno's are flinging peppers all over the place and the cilantro is growing like a weed.
Warren is studying studying studying and has moved his testing date for the first step of the boards back twice. His date is now July 3rd...his reasoning is b/c the next day is July 4th and he wants to be off. ha Lynn & Steve & the gang are expected down around that time to leave on a cruise. I swear it will be their first time to leave Texas. lol...ok so they do go to CO from time to time. But Mexico?! Maybe they're running low on amoxicillen. They'll have a fun trip. It will be the first cruise for them all...wish I was going too!
That's all for now...I have some knitting to blog about but pic's must accompany it so stay tuned.