Saturday, March 6, 2010 we made it through two full weeks of following the food plan and then Birthday, leftovers, and eating out happened. We still ate relatively healthy the past couple of weeks, I stuck to the 1 meat + 1-2 vegetables rule that they seem to be following in the recipes & even repeated a couple of the yummie ones. But today we will go to the Farmer's Market and get some snacky stuff, then tomorrow it's time to try out week 3!

In other news, it is almost spring break and I CANNOT wait!!!!!!!!!!! Although truthfully it's going to just be a cruel teaser because I'm really ready for summer. I want to move. I want a new job. I want to buy a house. I want to settle.

SB plans include helping Mom move (she just recently bought a house in Bonham) and attending Match Day with Warren...I think there is an event or two connected with that. I'm excited to know where we will Match! Eek!