Sunday, January 30, 2011

Zombie Brain

I had a good topic/thoughts I was going to write about like a day ago, but now I can't remember what it was...

This whole "baby brain" /no memory thing is really irritating.

It's also interfered with my attention span.  It's almost like ADD?!  It's hard to focus on stuff for a length of time (like knitting) and I feel distracted.  Maybe it's just multi-tasking on overdrive.

Anyway, back to the laundry for this afternoon.  W has gone to Bass Pro (he's taken up fishing) so I'm having a relatively quiet morning with the dog and the laundry and the basketball under my shirt.

Hm, maybe I'll go try to focus on some pretty yarn for a while and put my feet up.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Late Night Blogging

Ok, so here we address and new title :0)

Can you tell I'm not sleeping? 

Between the slight snoring from the other side of the bed (he must be tired tonight, tho the humidifier fixed most of the snoring problems) and the 20 lb "medicine ball" attached at the waist, sleep is a little hard to come by lately.

38 weeks. 10 days until due date.

At least tomorrow is my last day of school before maternity leave starts.

I probably should have started LAST week, but I made it through this week and it gave me time to finish up piddly stuff like weeding up to a certain point (the 800s), telling my PK/K classes I'm going out on leave, getting the required stuff like my mentor evaluation turned in, putting in for TLA leave, etc.  Now if I can get some spine labels printed tomorrow and on the books then I'll feel really caught up before I leave. :0)

ps~does anyone know if there is a facebook widget similar to the twitter one that I have on the side?