Sunday, May 4, 2008

Vegas baby, Vegas!

Warren and I set out last Thursday for Las Vegas to spend our one-year anniversary on vacation there. I skipped school on Friday (hopefully there was a sub!!) and Gram flew down to pet-sit the animals...(so far I hear they are all snuggling at night! ha).

We arrived on-time but got in late Thurs. night and stayed at the Tropicana this trip (last time was at the MGM). I've decided I prefer staying on this end of the strip, easier access to leaving for the airport. Something must've been going on this weekend b/c room rates at other places were a bit higher (although next time I've already decided we are so staying in the castle one across the street...I think it's the Excalibur...b/c hello! a castle! so much cooler!). Our room was nice sized, but our door was a bit tricky...sometimes it would lock and sometimes it wouldn't! We kept annoying security by having him run up to the room to lock the door. Then yesterday sometime the elevators began going SUPER bad that they began letting guests use the service elevators too!! So, the Tropicana: a fun cheaper place to play, but don't least not until they get a few things fixed!

Friday night we went to see Zumanity which was very sexy, bawdy, and had lots of dirty humor. Don't go to this with your parents! Or co-workers! :-) It was a more audience interactive and naked side of cirque de soleil.

Saturday night we ate the Bellagio Buffet (mmmmmm...) before going to see Wayne Brady. HIL-arious!! His show is different every night depending upon what the audience gives him as ideas, etc. Partial improv and partial planned, but VERY funny.

Unfortuantly, I couldn't talk Warren into going to see Tony & Tina's Wedding...I personally thought it would be very funny and appropriate as an anniversary thing to see...but oh well...maybe next time :-)

We've had fun gambling like we always do...we bring a set amount to 'play' with everyday...the past two days...not so hot for me...but at least I broke even today! :-) I did learn to do a couple of table games...I 'm always so nervous about doing I won't know how or do something wrong. But I played Casino War (just like the real card game War only you are betting on if you get the highest card or not) and Let it Ride (sort of like making a poker hand but you aren't playing against other players...just against the house, in a way. I had fun at a lot of different slots and like the electronic roulette. :-)

OH!! Yesterday Warren chased American Idol people like a real paparazzi!! We were at the Mirage and stood outside for like 30 min. waiting for them to show up and I got tired of it and went to go play Price is Right, but Warren stayed w/ the camera and got some cool pix!! So check us out for maybe being in the crowd footage...I don't even know who the 4 finalists are right now, I haven't watched this round at all...but Warren likes it anyways. He said that when they finally got there, people were going crazy and snapping pictures and stuff like crazy. I'll have him write about it b/c it will be funnier. He missed his calling as a creative writer, so stay tuned for his story and pictures.

I'm sure other stuff happend, but I can't think right now and am in the airport at a charging terminal thingy killing chat later! Bye!

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