Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tweet tweet....

In case you haven't noticed and for those of you who don't Twitter or even know what it the left I've added on a Twitter Tweets gadget which is like blogging only's a "microblog" and basically is a "What are you doing now?" type of thing. So that stuff on the left that keeps changing is me...talking.... :-) So if it's been a while since I've updated the old blog here you can at least look and see what is going on there on the side. Or become a Twitter-er yourself.

I can tweet from the web or from my phone (which is so cool by the way! luv my iPhone!). And I often can tweet photos too rather quickly, they are called twitpic's. The only catch is that I only have 140 characters to type in every the talking must be very condensed and sometimes words loose vwls just to get it in under the 140 character limit.

Any @ with a blue name behind it is a person...for example I am @kareberrie, Warren is @warren_ace get the idea. A twitpic is a link to a picture I've posted so is a photo. Sometimes a web link to a website or article is to long to fit in the twitter tweet box (remember only 140 characters) so it gets shortened to a tiny url like this link talking about former Pres. H.W. Bush and helping Bolivar penninsula this weekend .

So when you see those things on the side in the Twitter Tweets gadget that is what they are and what you will see when you click on them.

That is how to use Twitter in a nutshell and what some of the things you see on the side means. Now, to go a bit deeper Twitter is basically a social networking site. Professionally it is great for me to follow library type people, companies, other librarians, authors, libraries, publishers, etc. Personally it is fun to follow famous people, people I know, and anyone else I find that I think is cool.

Following means that you "follow" them and you can see what they doesn't mean they see what you type unless they also follow you. Therefore there are people you follow and people who follow you. Those you follow are people that you read what they say everyday. Those that follow you are people who read what YOU say everyday....

Hope this helps explain it a get to tweeting!

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