Monday, August 13, 2007

Brownouts, Transformers, and possible Snake Bites?

Well lemme start of with the possible snake bite episode entitled, "life of a city dog: part 2." Some of you may remember the Halloween Skunk incident that Grace had last fall, well she recently had another incident with something 'wild' in the backyard....

Warren and I went to a Texans pre-game (because they were playing da' Bears) this past Saturday. The game was an evening one so we got home at 11:30ish. Grace went outside, we took showers, Grace came inside, and he proceeded to feed the animals their very late dinner. I walked into the kitchen to get something from the fridge, looked down, (Grace's food bowl is next to the fridge) and noticed her fur on her head looked funny, like it was sticking up or something. So I reached down and lifted her head and OMG her whole face was PUFFY!! She had FAT LIPS! and a little swelling around the eyes. Panic to find the benedryl ensued. None was found. I ran to CVS.

Meanwhile, Warren was trying to figure out the cause....not a food reaction, she's had it before and she was eating as her face was puffy. Too quick for a reaction like that to happen. Maybe an insect sting? Maybe SNAKEBITE????????? Apparently our island is not immune to the poisonous snakes of Texas. We have them all but two species. Yikes! Who knew?!?

I found the benedryl at CVS, $13!?! (I bought the container of 100) and promptly gave her 6 in cheese, cheese being her favorite form of pill taking. I made her lay in bed with me because I was panicky at the thought that she might stop breathing and the nearest Vet ER is 20 min. away. It was good signs tho that she ate and drank and downed the cheese and kept 'em down. I decided just to moniter and see if I needed to take her in in the AM.

Anyway, I have no solution as to the cause of her fat lips....I guess we'll never know. Although I'm now keeping an eye out for snakes.


So, now, moving on to the other exciting part...the next day around 1:30 PM, I'm working on the computer at the kitchen table and notice that the air coming out of the AC is not so chilly. Rather warm. And the temp for the day was like 97 outside....sooo hot. So, I call the landlord...leave a message.

Warren gets home...we're tinkering with flipping breakers, landlord calls and gives us some pointers to try out first while she gets the info looked up for her AC repairman. (Oh, and this was Sunday afternoon...$$$$ for an AC guy to come out). Not long after we get off the phone with her our lights start dimming throughout the house and our electricity blinks some.

As we are cursing our old house with it's weird breakers and trying to figure out if we should call them about the weird dim lighting happening in the house the lights go out. Partially. Ah ha! Now it is clear we have a problem with the electricity and that we should contact our electric company instead of the landlord. I went over to the neighbors to double check the electric status...she was hot too. (and I mean b/c she had no AC!! for those of you w/ your minds in the gutter.)

So, we have a brownout because our office room retains all power (at full power too), our microwave outlet still worked, and the living room lamp and TV outlet still worked. So us and the animals hole up in the office room and turn the fan on full blast.

Anyway, long story was 2:45 AM before they got a team of 5 guys to come and fix the transformer. It was so toasty, at some point I had the bright idea to go and nap in my car....where the AC worked. ;)

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