Thursday, August 2, 2007

Four Things...

Because I have nothing new to talk about...& I can't take any pictures of the amazing Kitty Pi I am knitting. Actually I'm amazed at myself for being able to figure out how to do it. :)

Anyway, just one of those chain e-mail things that you get every so often, this one popped-up on MySpace, but isn't overly long and each little section is Four Things, obviously, hence my title...

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Student worker -- OSU President's Office & CASC Pres. Ofc.
2. Daycare Provider (hey, it was a summer job...)
3. Schoolteacher
4. Graduate Assistant

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The Wizard of Oz (it is ingrained since childhood, I could probably recite the whole movie)
2. Under the Tuscan Sun (b/c I sooooo want to take over a house in Tuscany JUST LIKE Diane Lane does)
3. The Shawshank Redemption (b/c it is always on somewhere on cable and I usually stop and end up watching it...)
4. The Sound of Music, or The Princess Bride, or The Goonies...I couldn't pick! Why is it always the childhood movies that come to mind?! Maybe b/c they're the ones we've seen the most? I could truly probably recite them all...and sing along. :)

Four places I have lived:
1. Kansas City, MO
2. Denton, TX
3. Wilburton, OK
4. Stillwater, OK

Four television shows I love to watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Dexter (yes I'm morbid, but ya'll it's fascinating! OnDemand it and catch up before season 2 starts this fall)
3. The Tudors (yes, I have become addicted to Showtime)
4. Any CSI or Law & Order: SVU

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Rome, Italy
2. San Francisco, CA
3. Boston, MA
4. Roswell, NM (my first vacation...I was 4...we visited family on my g-ma's side...lots of twinkies and singing Yankee Doodle Dandy over and over and over and over, did I say I was 4?)

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. my grandmother's Fried Chicken
2. Chocolate Cake
3. Anything, from Panera Bread (how I miss you Panera!!)
4. uh, sandwiches? b/c I like eat them all the time! lol, I think it's b/c they are so easy to make...

Four websites I visit daily:
4. After those it varies to one of the following: or or (notice how I have problems listing JUST 4 things?)

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Back in Rome...ya'll it was amazing...I'd so move if I didn't have so much crap.
2. Sittin on a pretty beach book in one hand and a colada in the other.
3. Mom's art 'studio'.
4. In NY with Nat & W b/c I so wasn't there long enough last time to drink it all in & he's never been.

1 comment:

Natalie Weaver said...

PANERA!!! Love the broccoli cheesy soup in a bread bowl. Holy cow, that soup in a sourdough bread bowl changed my life. Also, I think it would be fantastic for you and Warren to get back up here to NYC for a little vacation, what a wonderful, wonderful time that would be.