Thursday, November 1, 2007

POOP in the Library!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that's right folks...P-O-O-P. A Kindergartener just stood up and pooped out his pants...for some reason he had on magic pants that did not contain the Poop. Maybe no underwear?!?!? But he stood up, beside his chair and the Poop came out a leg of his shorts-that-are-long-and-baggie-like-pants kind of shorts.

Ya'll...this was not ordinary little-boy Poop. This was Poop with a capital letter!! I swear it was the biggest pile I've seen! It looked like doggie-doo only more! Bigger! Grace doesn't even produce a pile that large!

So...I hauled him and his non-poopie pants to the nurse and told the office to send the janitor ASAP. Thank goodness it was at the end of class and time to go!! Also so thankful that 4th grade (who comes right after Kinder) had an assembly.

Oh yeah, it took the janitor almost an hour to clean it all up.


kch said...

Horrors!!!! Gad!!! An hour to clean up??!!!

Natalie Weaver said...

EWWWWWWWWWW! An hour to clean up! Ick. Well, between snakes and poop, no one can say it's not exciting in your library!!