Monday, December 3, 2007

Pete "Houdini" Worsham

So, sneaky Petey decided today that he was tired of Grace getting to run in and out of the house (hello! she's a dog! she has to go potty!) that it was totally unfair for his cat-ness to have to stay inside...he snuck out.

He OPENED the DOOR!! (Guess we didn't have the deadbolt shot) and lolly-gagged around outside. Warren was beside himself trying to herd the cat back inside. It worked once. He got in severe trouble *spank spank*

But of course that doesn't faze a cat!! He shot out the door when Warren opened it to go out and get the laundry (yes, our W/D is ghetto and out in the un-attached garage).

Therefore, I get panicky phone calls to come and help get the kitty (hello! I'm at work!) b/c he is now scared of Warren b/c he got in "trouble" *spanky spanky* and so now he was taunting Warren from under the porch. *nanna nanna boo boo*

I make it home and proceed to use the irrestistable jingly-blue fishy toy as bait...*ooo, pretty jingly toy* and finally lure him out so I can pounce on HIM.

He is now the happy owner of a jingle bell collar, which he tries to out-run, but has not quite figured out that it's attached to his body. He's now trying strange contortionist moves, maybe he'll try out for an acrobat position. :-)

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