Sunday, September 14, 2008

At this point we know it will be at least Tuesday before we could have any hope of even trying to return home -- maybe actually longer. There is no cell phone service there once we go, I'm reading conflicting reports about FEMA blocking cell service. I do know however that AT&T's tower is down and the only service that was still up was Verizon.

I've also read from people that the fish village area of town, where we live, had roughly 2-3 feet of flooding, if that is so then our house may actually be dry. It sits 3 feet off the ground already. I hope and yet I also think it may all have washed away or at least may be so wet as to be ruined. There is also a rumor that two streets in fish village did not flood, but I still haven't gotten a report on which ones didn't or if that is true.

We do have access to many shop vac's and a couple of kayaks if needed. :-)

Also, we do have some furniture in storage both in Bonham and Allen, I may kick Jake out of his bedroom suit and make Lynn get him is own and take mine back! lol Actually I wouldn't, this was part of the reason I didn't take it to Galveston and loaned it out to him. We have an extra washer and dryer in storage. We are possibly looking at replacing a fridge (unless his mom gets herself a new one, we may use her 1968 vintage fridge), living room furniture (some), TV's, beds/matresses?, and various other smaller type furniture items. Clothes I'm hoping can be washed and won't be ruined, although if they sit there for days some of them may get mildew-y.

There is no news from GISD or UTMB as far as school goes. UTMB is posting how things are going at the hospital but no one has thought yet about the med school and what to do with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My brother is a resident at UTMB and also lives in Fish Village (Coral St) ... no way of telling what water damage there may be until residents are allowed to return home.