Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

It seems that lately I'm doing nothing but post info about hurricanes!!

We are safely away, we left last night at 9pm and made it to Dallas at 2 am this morning.

I left school thinking today was going to be an early release day and did NOTHING to cover stuff in my library then at 6 pm I got a call out that school was closed today and tomorrow. Yay! Oh well, if it's bad enough it will blow away anyways. So sad, I was so happy for my new carpet! And I had just unloaded my new books! :( My principal called at 7 this morning looking for the rolls of plastic that I went and bought two weekends ago. Lol, I was asleep!

Warren came home at 5:30 thinking he was going to have to work some today, then he left for a meeting and came back and said he didn't have to go in at all.

So we ran around outside and stuffed grill, smoker, chairs, table, etc into the garage and nailed up our one piece of plywood (Thank God for storm windows on our whole house!!) to cover the backdoor window. Then packed clothes and the animals...I had already had some stuff packed from the last time or pictures, photo CDs, yarn...Warren threw in his autographed George Bush baseball, we loaded computers, the safe, all gaming devices (we were thinking looters) and headed for Dallas!

We thought we might just get to the north side of Houston and spend the night, but when I heard that the eye is going to loop around and Houston would get bad wind and rain we kept driving. I knew that would hit the 10'o clock news and people would start leaving. Traffic was a steady stream most of the way to Corsicana (which is about 30-45 min south of Dallas). We saw many cars with gas cans strapped to the roofs of their cars and lots of motorcoaches that probably had elderly from senior centers and such places. As tired as I was driving, I am so glad we left last night.

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