Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Warren began his internal medicine rotation down here at UTMB, which will last till April. We do know that he will be here until then, after that his next two rotations depend upon if there is enough patient base for them to have opened down here in the next 3 months. The next one is psych...and while there are some crazy people down here...I don't think it will be enough to reopen the program. So probably he will go back to Dallas for roughly six weeks. Then after that is OBGYN!!! ha He is dreading it. But by that time people will be having "Ike" babies so maybe it will open or maybe he can be at a clinic...

His current rotation is broken into three parts, one month on clinic, one month on ambulatory, and one month in the jail. UTMB has a prison floor, for those of you who don't know, and they bring the prisoners from the county and farther who need healthcare here.

His first day going in he had to take off everything metal, take off his shoes, and get patted and wanded down before entering the floor. He also said he cannot take his cell phone with him into the area because they are afraid prisoners would try to take it and make a phone call. (!??!?!!! like they could call someone to come and get them?! I think it's a dumb rule and I don't like him being in there without his phone!!!).

Now (since I am writing this a bit after the fact..I post-date it back tho to closer when he began) he said he isn't always wanded everyday now, just alot at the beginning and I think it depends on who is on guard duty.

Also, he finally spilled on the security...and...I don't want to say to much about it! I'm afraid some internet policemen might track me down for spilling the beans on how it is all laid out! So if you see Warren, ask him how it all works...it's really interesting. :)

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