Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wow, really?...I've just spent the past two posts talking about nothing but food with a splash of exercise.

Maybe I should be a little more reflective...

...I'm excited that 2010 is a new decade and that Warren and I will get to spend it together...

...I'm still a little sad that we won't be having a baby next month, but I'm confident God has a plan and I'm trying to not be such a planner! This whole deciding to start trying has actually been a bit harder than either of us expected. I came to the conclusion that you spend most of your early 20s avoiding ovulation like the plague (besides taking other precautions) so that when you get married and then get to the point you are ready to "make a baby" it's actually quite a narrow window and takes several months of "practice" *heehee* before the timing even begins to get close...of course by then you are micromanaging all of the days in the month and counting way too much & debating getting one of those thermometer things, but am not quite sure I want to go to those extreme measures and so I have to stop. I have to stop counting or this is never going to happen. I kinda let go of the counting this month so maybe better luck in this department soon. (I think being a slightly type A personality and an occasionally overachiever does not help either!) Also, the fact that my husband has not really been living here much the past two months hasn't helped a whole lot either...hmm...well we'll see...

...I'm glad I'm taking steps to being healthier... this past year has a bittersweetness to it, I've made some great friends down here in GISD and will be sad to leave them, and yet I am SO ready to move home...

...I'm happy that my family is doing well, and everyone is doing pretty good in the health department, nothing super serious going on...

...Warren and I are beginning looking at houses in the Metroplex area, I am very excited about becoming home owners in the next few months!!!!...

...I'm proud of Mom for looking to buy a house as well, she got approved for a home loan so I hope that works out for her! Yay!...

...I am trying to think positive thoughts and not get angry at the construction (?!?!!!???) work that is going on in our building somewhere...I can't tell exactly where it is (sort of above and to the side)but at least the noise isn't constant...yet...ugh! Isn't it Sunday?! God said to REST! NO CONSTRUCTION!...

Ok, enough reflecting, too much banging going on! I need to turn on the Roomba and make some cookies!


Natalie Weaver said...

Wonderful to read your "reflections."
Happy you decided to sit and write a little. :)

Love you, miss you always!

kch said...

Your reflections indicate a new level of maturity....I'm so proud of you....I can't imagine anyone in the world having a better daughter than I do! I love you!