Monday, October 20, 2008

Roomate shenanigans!

OMG, so I got locked out of the apartment last night!

Mark texted me about 9:45-ish and said for me to call him when I got to the apartment and he'd unlock the door for me. I was only about 15 minutes away so I thought that would be okay and there'd be no problem.

So, I get there and park and carry all my stuff up and had called and he hadn't answered. So I thought well maybe he got in the shower or something. When I got up the stairs though and called again and knocked, then I thought...omg...he's fallen asleep?!

So I call and call and send 3 text messages, but of course I know his phone is on vibrate b/c that is how it usually is...I call my mom and his mom and they remind me what a HEAVY sleeper Mark is...great.

So after banging on the door for about 30 minutes to no avail and scared that I'm going to wake the neighbors, I punch in hotels on the Garmin and go to the closest one (half mile away) and get a room for the night!

Yay hotels with availability! Boo for not being FEMA approved!

Fun and excitement...Mark of course felt horrible when he woke up around 11:40 pm and realized that I was not there and of course read my texts that were telling him to open the door! I had put my phone on silent b/c I wanted to sleep without being woken up by a panicky roomate and we chatted the next morning. No harm, no foul.

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