Friday, September 28, 2007

Library latest...

I had a student (1st grader, I think) who sneezed the other day and blessed himself! ha!

It went something like this...

We had relocated to the table area (I have 7 student tables that seat 4 per table) and I was passing out their coloring sheet, I walked by and he sneezed, and before I could even respond he said, "Bless Me." !! lol

It was comical because he was so serious and just went right on about his work just like he blesses himself all the time!


Natalie Weaver said...

I bless myself after I sneeze all the time!! Is that weird? Unusual?? You know me... always veering from the norms...
p.s. FANTASTIC scarf!! Love it!!
p.s.s. Shit! I sent you a box of goodies with Gap stuff and books... checked on and it said it was delivered! I didn't ask for signature confirmation. My fault. I'll make sure I do that next time. Boo. Cute stuff too. New umbrella and cosmetic case. Stupid fedex.

bookworm27 said...

Lol, I guess it just sounded funny to me coming from the little boy!


pss--SOO SAD!! Just when I was wishing from some fun free Gap stuff... :(