Sunday, September 16, 2007

Some Pic's of Humberto :)

Yay, I found an alternative means at Fry's for pulling the pic's off my xD card. Woohoo! It's a thumb drive for your xD card, so smart.

So, without further ado, pictures of Humberto:

This is out our front door and does not do justice to the amount of rain that is whipping by.

I zoomed in so you can see the water level on the neighbor's tires. It is almost up to the hubcap!! and the street was pretty much a stream.

This next photo gives you a better idea of how the rain was whipping...taken off the front porch to the side, looking west. And to the right is some rainwater drippage off the corner of the house! No downspout!

And now some backyard action! Don't worry, that's not a UFO or a random light hanging from the trees, I guess my camera picked up the glare of the kitchen light in the glass of the backdoor. So weird looking! ha
Anyway, super windy, but this was a little before the heavier rain started.
And finally, Warren on the phone during the storm. We both talked to our Mom's at some point! :)

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