Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Garden Pictures!

I've decided I am a photo blogger. I like lots of pic's to show what I'm talking about...or maybe I just like taking pictures! ha Possibly because I am a visual person...

Anyway, Mom requested some pic's of our gardening adventures here is some before and after herb garden pics...

Going clockwise from the top there is mint, rosemary, mexican heather, dill (not yet up), cilantro, sweet basil, oregano, and lavender in the middle with tyme beside it (not yet up either).

And now in this hot weather we are having (with NO RAIN) it looks like this....

I should have watered so it would look all pretty in the picture. The oregano and cilantro are thriving! The cilantro gets bigger the hotter and dryer it is! It is starting to bloom and from that I will get corriander (I think the flower seeds are called that). It is overshadowing the dill, which I hope will just flower and come back up next year...it is sparse.

I also did some container items...like 4 tomato plants! and two jalapenos and I have a red pepper that needs to go in a pot!

Here they are just planted...with the kitty and a bit of door frame thrown in for some perspective.

I think maybe it had just rained!

This is sooo much dryer than last summer. Last June we had afternoon showers and rain at least once a week. It's rained maybe twice so far since early May...?!

Here they are now...with some door frame for perspective. They are at least chin height (the viney ones on the left). They make the sweet 100's...small cherry type. Mmmm...we've had 4 so far! And there are lot's more on there that I hope will start turning red at the same time! Instead of one at a time! Lol...the other two are patio tomatoes and are a little bit bigger..about the size of roma's. They have lots of green ones too. Must be the tomato miracle grow!

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