Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer updates...

I'm as bad as the's out for the summer and what have I done?! Play WoW of course! ha I'm a video game addict. Hey, at least I'll admit it.

My first week off started with a run up home to see Lindsey graduate high school. Go Linds! Her graduation was much shorter and less tearful than Ashley's for some reason. Maybe cause Ashley was first we were all a little misty eyed, but for Linds we were more just excited. Woohoo!

ALSO...yesterday as I was cleaning through the mail (cause we tend to let it stack at times...I'm bad about not going through it and Warren can't throw any of it away!) I got TICKETS to ANTIQUES ROADSHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! June 28th in Dallas, and you can only take TWO things. Gad. That's a major dilemma.

Around the house, we planted an herb garden this spring along with potting several tomato plants and peppers...all the stuff to make salsa! ha Yesterday, I picked our first tomato, the only sad thing is it's one of the small sweet 100s (like a little cherry tomato) and we may have to slice it in half in order for us to both have a taste of the first tomato. I also planted some patio ones and they are surprisingly bigger than expected. Could be the miracle grow. :-) The jalapeno's are flinging peppers all over the place and the cilantro is growing like a weed.

Warren is studying studying studying and has moved his testing date for the first step of the boards back twice. His date is now July 3rd...his reasoning is b/c the next day is July 4th and he wants to be off. ha Lynn & Steve & the gang are expected down around that time to leave on a cruise. I swear it will be their first time to leave Texas. lol...ok so they do go to CO from time to time. But Mexico?! Maybe they're running low on amoxicillen. They'll have a fun trip. It will be the first cruise for them all...wish I was going too!

That's all for now...I have some knitting to blog about but pic's must accompany it so stay tuned.

1 comment:

kch said... should have posted pics of your garden!!