Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cat dirt & Dog hair...

I swear I will waste half my life just sweeping.

I am thankful that my camera cord is fritz-y so that I was not compelled to take a photo for you tonight of the massive amounts of cat dirt and dog hair that I swept up. Grace should be bald.

What is cat dirt you ask? Well let me tell you...

Cat dirt is the small mounds of dirt that you get around your potted plants from the kitty thinking it's fun to swat out a pawful now and then. Bad Kitty!

It was massive...not work for a swiffer...had to break out the broom. :)

1 comment:

lisa k said...

So true...Whoever invented the Swiffer must have had at least one pet. We had enough Crockett hair (RIP sweet kitty boy)to knit many a sweater. Now with two kitties, Lori is more swiffer happy than ever.

Pookie's new name is Hot Lips!! I had bought the ingredients for the Mango salsa and left them laying out on the counter. When Lori got up Sunday am, there was one jalapeno by the coffee pot and the other one was nowhere to be found! She was checking Pookie's lips for blisters. A couple of hours later, Pookie was laying by the dresser in the blue bedroom. Lori hadn't looked under there, so got the broom and HELLO, out comes a jalapeno with tiny bite marks! I guess maybe it looked sort of like her favorite green fetching mouse.