Friday, July 27, 2007

Wal-mart: the love/hate relationship

Ok, so maybe I'm about to make a Southern faux pas...but I've come to the conclusion that I very strongly dislike maybe even hate Wal-Mart. *Gasp* (did she really say that? how can she truly be Southern and hate Wal-Mart?)

Because let's face it folks, we in the South LOVE Wal-Mart and can't imagine there not being one at least an hour from where we live (see I included you folks who live out in the boonies--I betcha your local Wal-Mart is an hour or closer). Those of us Southern Townies can hardly bear the thought of Wal-Mart being more than 15-20 minutes away! Wal-Marts are everywhere...and let's face it; if you go on vacation it's always a comfort to find the LWM (Local Wal-Mart) to stock up on the forgotten toothbrush, shaving cream, sunscreen, snacks, maps, or local souvenir-type items.

I suspect my hate began in Stillwater...and it wasn't hate for the Stillwater store in particular (although it is one of those that's arranged funny inside or at least it was in 2002) but for the parking and it was occasionally crowded, although to a single-college-girl the crowding wasn't much of an issue because there's always a hot-guy-chance-maybe-I'll-find-a-date opportunity lurking down every isle. (hey, ya never know...we all hear the rumors of meeting someone at a grocery store).

My next LWM was in Kansas City, and I did LOVE that was nice and big with wide isles, decent parking, and very clean. Also it was fun to do married shopping.

Then we had to go back in time at the Bonham Wal-Mart because folks, when I moved down there in 2003 they weren't even open 24 hours!!! *Gasp!* HOW IS THAT NOT POSSIBLE?! This is where the hate began to set in...crowded, slooooooooow check-outs, no self-checkouts then (although they now sport 4), and a Super Wal-Mart squeezed into a regular Wal-Mart building. I think I got spoiled in KC. Although they do have good parking. :)

Then I went to Denton...I almost don't even want to discuss it. I truly dislike that one. It is perpetually crowded and dirty. I only went for the items that were non-grocery when I had to. Otherwise I stuck to Kroger.

Now, I'm in Galveston and there is a whole new aspect to take in...the tourists. For the love of God, DO NOT go to my Wal-Mart EVER from Fri-Sun. It is so time consuming. People are everywhere. And OMG did I say 'tourists'!

All that aside, I do love the one-stop-shop idea (kudos to Sam on that one) and yes they have low-prices. But occasionally I have to cheat and go to Kroger just for my sanity and the pretty vegetables.


kch said...

I will admit there are times I just hate to go to Wal-Mart. At times it feels like a necessary evil in this town! lol I do know what you mean about the tourists in the Galveston one tho---gad!

Natalie Weaver said...

Ah, the evils and yet the wonder of Walmart... though we don't have any Walmart's in the city, we do have two Target's. One in the Bronx and one in Queens. I feel like that is all I need to say-- that the one I go to is in the Bronx. It's a nightmare. Second... I thought we discussed the rule that you have to live there 6 months before you can bitch about the tourists. (Little lesson I was taught here.) But after those 6 months, every other word out of your mouth can be "F***ing tourists!!!" Cracks me up. P.s. I miss you lots and lots...

bookworm27 said...

I know the tourist rule! I think of it every time I go to Wal-mart or hell...just drive along seawall. I've decided that the tourist rule should be shortened if you live on a beachy area and move there during the summertime months! ;)

Miss you too babe! hugs~

lisa k said...

Funny, that love-hate thing with Wally World. We never go here in Dallas...crowded, dirty stores, crying kids, goods from foreign countries...I am the minority in the check-out lane.

We always shop at Target...there are nice, new ones with Starbucks (I like the smell, even though I don't consume)also with pretty veggies and cute kitty or dog toys.

It seems I go to WM most when I leave the city. Can't drive anywhere without needing something. Drive to Madill..go to Wal-Mart. Drive to Bonham...stop by Wal-Mart. I think it must be the entertainment factor (go back & review late night photo from Kim of woman shopping in bathing suit and hiking boots). I mean there really isn't anything else to do while in a small town is there? (unless you pull in Sonic for a lime-ade or DQ for a choc shake).